Wednesday, October 5, 2011


The latest from the ORCC  (is there anyone home?)  and the Ridge Creek School facility:

Although the ORCC continued to cite "Admission Policy Violations" of the Ridge Creek School (RCS) facility until its closure in July of 2011, the ORCC on 06-14-2011 states that it has found an "Admissions Policy (revision) "at the RCS facility that dates back to 04-15-2010:

Below is an excerpt taken from complaint Intake report number GA00097688 Facility ID: CCI 001710 (Ridge Creek)   Date 06/14/2011  Due Date: 06/28/2011

“A file review conducted on 6/14/2011 at 9:00 AM., of the agency Admissions policy, date 4/15/10 (revision), revealed that the agency’s selection criteria for accepting residents for admittance includes: Adolescents diagnosed with conduct disorder within the past year or anti social personality disorder, adolescents that are suicidal and adolescents who have felony arrest records for an aggravated type.” Then, of course the classic:  "Based on the above findings, rule violation (s) were not cited."

The ORCC, DFCS et al have reviewed the admission policies of RCS, until the cows come home;  it appears slightly inconvenient timing for the ORCC to find a revision, since it continuously cited the Ridge Creek School facility for "admission violations," while stipulating RCS and ORCC admission policies.  Or did the ORCC cite Ridge Creek, Inc.,  Ridge Creek-Mountainbrook,  Ridge Creek Wilderness, or the infamous Creekside that no one knew about.


So where did the ORCC dig this one up?
What facility did these admission policies apply to?  

  • According to the Parent handbook and admission policies these were clearly not the admission policies for the Ridge Creek  School facility, as corroborated by inspections for a myriad of complaints, indicating adolescents with these diagnoses are clearly a violation of admission policies.

Was the Ridge Creek facility re-licensed as a PRTF (Psychiatric Residential Treatment facility) or RTF(Residential treatment facility)?
  • Not according to the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD) and the Department of Community Health (DCH).  As preposterous as this is may be, one never knows.
  •  More importantly, how could the Office of Residential Child Care (ORCC) not be familiar with admission policies for which the facility is licensed -- a  CCI (Child Caring Institution)?  even though the Ridge Creek facility operated as a Juvenile Detention Center,  RTF, PRTF,  while commingling Special Needs children (whose parents were repeatedly assured  this was not the case by several former  Directors, or Headmasters like J. Scott Smith, Chris Grimwood,  Keith Bishop, and those before them, Jeffrey Holloway, Joseph Stapp, and Charles Cates).. The ORCC knows it and it's time to take responsibility. 
  • To allow an operation of this egregious magnitude that violated children's rights,  risked their well-being, and perpetuated fraud was totally negligent with absolute disregard for the safety of all on that compound, especially when the credentials of the staff for operating a PRTF,  RTF, or Juvenile Facility were null..   The amount of restraints used is clear indication as to what was going on at this facility and the ORCC was just as culpable, if not more.
After the 06-14-2011 intake "Admission Policy Revision" statement, the ORCC appears to have reverted back to citing the Ridge Creek facility for admissions violations.  Not possible?  Take a look.  In addition, Supervisors review all investigative reports before issued and posted.

Conflicting survey report: Excerpt * Notice the dates on the survey reports.

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Adolescents who are actively suicidal.
Adolescents with Anti-Social Personality Disorder or who would fit the profile of Anti-Social
Personality Disorder.
Adolescents who have felony arrest records.
Adolescents who have a history of violence against people or animals.

Full Survey Report:
Georgia Department of Human Resources,
Office of Regulatory Services
State Form
Statement of Deficiencies
and Plan of Correction
Inspection begin date
Inspection end date:
Name of Provider or Supplier
Street Address, City, State Zip Code
Inspection Results

R 0000 Opening Comments.
The purpose of this visit on July 8, 2011 was to investigate 98403, 98160, 98391, 98412. Intake
98970 was added to the survey July 11, 2011.
R 0801 290-2-5-.08(2) Administration and Organization.
Program Description and Implementation. In accordance with these rules and regulations, a licensed child caring
institution shall develop, implement and comply with written policies and procedures that describe the range of
services including room, board and watchful oversight and the manner in which such services will be provided by
the facility. Such policies and procedures shall describe how identified services will be provided, the specific
emergency safety intervention plan, including the emergency safety interventions, that will be used, and how such
services will be assessed and evaluated. A program description must show what services are provided directly by
the facility and how it will coordinate its services with those provided by any Medicaid rehabilitation option provider
or other available community or contract resources.
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on record review, staff interview, and review of relevant facility documents, the facility
failed to comply with written policies and procedures regarding the admission policy
Findings Include:
(1) Record review on September 16, 2011 of the agency's Admission Requirements Policy
#15-100.0 indicated that the agency accepts the following individuals for admission into the
Adolescents aged 12-18, or who are in grades 7-12, who would benefit from a
cognitive-behavioral therapy.
Adolescents diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) or who display ODD features.
Adolescents who need leadership training.
The policy further indicated that the agency does not accept the following individuals for
admission into the program:
Adolescents diagnosed with Conduct Disorder or who would fit the profile of Conduct Disorder.
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Inspection Results

Adolescents who are actively suicidal.
Adolescents with Anti-Social Personality Disorder or who would fit the profile of Anti-Social
Personality Disorder.
Adolescents who have felony arrest records.
Adolescents who have a history of violence against people or animals.
(2) Record review on July 8, 2011 of Resident #4's file indicated Resident #4 has a history of
violence against people. Specifically, a review of Resident #4's intake summary dated 06-10-2011
indicated that Resident #4 was expelled from his/her previous military boarding school due to
displaying the following on going behaviors (fall 2008-threw apple from bus resulting in
suspension from bus system, fall 2009-defiance towards teacher resulting in three day
suspension, and late spring 2011-expelled for kicking out glass window and throwing glass).
Resident #4 also displays aggressive behaviors such as biting, kicking, scratching, and punching
his/her parents during emotional tantrums. It was also documented that Resident #4 exhibits
explosive oppositional and violent behaviors.
(3) During an interview on July 11, 2011 at about 3:30 PM with Staff C, Staff C indicated that the
agency rely on parents to provide information on the child in order to make an informed decision
whether or not they will accept a child for placement. Staff C further indicated that Resident #4
has only been at the placement for a month and most recently they have observed an escalation
in Resident #4's behaviors due to the the fact that Resident #4 has been without his/her
medication. Staff C also indicated that Resident #4 will be placed on a mood stabilizer with the
hopes that it would stabilize Resident #4's behaviors.
This rule was previously cited 04-13-2011, 04-07-2011, 03-10-2011, and 09-09-2010.
R 0907 290-2-5-.09(2)(b) Referral and Admission.
Prior to admission, the facility shall:
1. Provide information to the custodian about the services, environment, age ranges and behavioral
characteristics of the other children in placement.
2. Maintain signed documentation from the custodian that they have received and considered the information
provided in Rule .09(1)(a)1 above and have determined that the placement environment is appropriate and does
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Inspection Results

not represent an undue risk to the health and safety of the child or children being placed.
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on record review and staff interview, the agency failed to provide information to the
custodian about the behavioral characteristics of the other children in placement in six of six
files reviewed (GA00098970 linked to GA00098391, GA00098233, GA00098412, and GA00098160).
(1) Record review on July 11, 2011 of Residents #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, and #6's file revealed the
agency failed to provide the custodian/placing agency documentation regarding the services that
will be received and the current behavioral characteristics of the children in placement.
(2) During an interview on July 11, 2011 at about 5:30 PM with Staff A, Staff A acknowledged
This rule was previously cited 03-10-2011 and 12-09-2010.
R 1000 290-2-5-.10(1) Assessment and Planning.
An institution shall complete a full written assessment of each child admitted for care and of each child's family
within thirty days of admission and develop an individual written service plan for each child based on the
assessments within thirty days of admission. If an assessment is not completed within thirty days, the reasons for
the delay shall be documented in the child's case record and such documentation shall include statements
indicating when the assessment is expected to be completed.
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on review of resident files and staff interview, the agency failed to develop a full written
assessment and an individual service plan within thirty days of admission in two of five files
reviewed (GA00098970 linked to GA00098391 and GA00098160).
Findings Include:
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Inspection Results

(1) Record review on July 8, 2011 of Resident #3 and #5's file (both admitted May 2011) revealed
the agency failed to develop a full written assessment and an individual service plan within 30
days of admission. There was no documentation that an assessment or individual service plan
was completed.
(2) During an interview on July 8, 2011 at about 5:00 PM with Staff D, Staff D acknowledged
findings indicating that she/he conducted a chart audit on July 7, 2011 and observed the missing
documentation. Staff D reviewed the agency's internal network to verify if the assessment and
service plans had been documented in the system. Staff D verified that the documents had not
been completed.
This rule was previously cited 05-03-2010, 12-15-2010 and 12-10-2009.
R 1010 290-2-5-.10(c) Assessment and Planning.
The child, and the parent(s) or guardian(s), or child placing agency representative shall be involved in the
development of the service and room, board and watchful oversight plans, and its periodic updates as described
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on review of resident files and staff interview, the agency failed to ensure that the child,
parent, guardian, and/or placing agency was involved in the development of the service and
room, board, and watchful oversight (SRBWO) plan in one of four files reviewed (GA00098233).
Findings Include:
(1) Record review on July 8, 2011 of Resident #2's SRBWO plan dated 04-20-2011 revealed that
the service plan was not signed by Resident #2 or Resident #2's guardian to indicate that they
were involved in the development of the SRBWO. There was no documentation in Resident #2's
file of the agency's attempt to obtain the signature of Resident #2's guardian.
(2) During an interview on July 8, 2011 at about 5:00 PM with Staff D, Staff D acknowledged
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findings indicating that she/he conducted a chart audit on July 7, 2011 and observed the missing
documentation. Staff D reviewed the agency's internal network to verify if the assessment and
service plans had been documented in the system. Staff D verified that the documents had not
been completed.
This rule was previously cited 11-05-2010 and 12-10-2009 .
R 9999 Closing Comments.
This visit was concluded with an exit conference. Although three tags, Tag 801, 1000, and 1010
in this survey were scoped on an Adverse Action Level, an Adverse Action is not being issued
and a plan of correction is not being requested due to the closure of the facility. Although to date
we have not received the returned original license, the surveyor for this facility received an E-mail
from a staff member of the facility on July 19, 2011 indicating that the facility is closing on Friday
July 22, 2011 and that there would be no residents remaining on campus by the end of the day on
Friday, July 22, 2011. On July 25, 2011, the surveyor received a subsequent e-mail from the same
staff member of the facility verifying that there were no children on campus and indicating that
he/she would mail the closure letter on Tues (Aug 2) or Wed (Aug 3) with the licenses enclosed.
On August 1, 2011 a surveyor conducted an on site visit in order to verify the closure. The
surveyor was not able to enter the property as a security guard was located at a barrier
positioned at the entrance to the campus and he/she blocked access to the facility. However, the
US security guard verified that there were no students and staff on campus. A final attempt was
made by the surveyor to contact the facility staff person to obtain the license on Monday August
8, 2011. However, a voice mail could not be left due to the voice mail being full.
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State Form

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Inspection end date:
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Inspection Results

R 0000 Opening Comments.
The purpose of this visit on July 8, 2011 was to investigate 98403, 98160, 98391, 98412. Intake
98970 was added to the survey July 11, 2011.
R 0801 290-2-5-.08(2) Administration and Organization.
Program Description and Implementation. In accordance with these rules and regulations, a licensed child caring
institution shall develop, implement and comply with written policies and procedures that describe the range of
services including room, board and watchful oversight and the manner in which such services will be provided by
the facility. Such policies and procedures shall describe how identified services will be provided, the specific
emergency safety intervention plan, including the emergency safety interventions, that will be used, and how such
services will be assessed and evaluated. A program description must show what services are provided directly by
the facility and how it will coordinate its services with those provided by any Medicaid rehabilitation option provider
or other available community or contract resources.
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on record review, staff interview, and review of relevant facility documents, the facility
failed to comply with written policies and procedures regarding the admission policy
Findings Include:
(1) Record review on September 16, 2011 of the agency's Admission Requirements Policy
#15-100.0 indicated that the agency accepts the following individuals for admission into the
Adolescents aged 12-18, or who are in grades 7-12, who would benefit from a
cognitive-behavioral therapy.
Adolescents diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) or who display ODD features.
Adolescents who need leadership training.
The policy further indicated that the agency does not accept the following individuals for
admission into the program:
Adolescents diagnosed with Conduct Disorder or who would fit the profile of Conduct Disorder.
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Adolescents who are actively suicidal.
Adolescents with Anti-Social Personality Disorder or who would fit the profile of Anti-Social
Personality Disorder.
Adolescents who have felony arrest records.
Adolescents who have a history of violence against people or animals.
(2) Record review on July 8, 2011 of Resident #4's file indicated Resident #4 has a history of
violence against people. Specifically, a review of Resident #4's intake summary dated 06-10-2011
indicated that Resident #4 was expelled from his/her previous military boarding school due to
displaying the following on going behaviors (fall 2008-threw apple from bus resulting in
suspension from bus system, fall 2009-defiance towards teacher resulting in three day
suspension, and late spring 2011-expelled for kicking out glass window and throwing glass).
Resident #4 also displays aggressive behaviors such as biting, kicking, scratching, and punching
his/her parents during emotional tantrums. It was also documented that Resident #4 exhibits
explosive oppositional and violent behaviors.
(3) During an interview on July 11, 2011 at about 3:30 PM with Staff C, Staff C indicated that the
agency rely on parents to provide information on the child in order to make an informed decision
whether or not they will accept a child for placement. Staff C further indicated that Resident #4
has only been at the placement for a month and most recently they have observed an escalation
in Resident #4's behaviors due to the the fact that Resident #4 has been without his/her
medication. Staff C also indicated that Resident #4 will be placed on a mood stabilizer with the
hopes that it would stabilize Resident #4's behaviors.
This rule was previously cited 04-13-2011, 04-07-2011, 03-10-2011, and 09-09-2010.
R 0907 290-2-5-.09(2)(b) Referral and Admission.
Prior to admission, the facility shall:
1. Provide information to the custodian about the services, environment, age ranges and behavioral
characteristics of the other children in placement.
2. Maintain signed documentation from the custodian that they have received and considered the information
provided in Rule .09(1)(a)1 above and have determined that the placement environment is appropriate and does
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not represent an undue risk to the health and safety of the child or children being placed.
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on record review and staff interview, the agency failed to provide information to the
custodian about the behavioral characteristics of the other children in placement in six of six
files reviewed (GA00098970 linked to GA00098391, GA00098233, GA00098412, and GA00098160).
(1) Record review on July 11, 2011 of Residents #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, and #6's file revealed the
agency failed to provide the custodian/placing agency documentation regarding the services that
will be received and the current behavioral characteristics of the children in placement.
(2) During an interview on July 11, 2011 at about 5:30 PM with Staff A, Staff A acknowledged
This rule was previously cited 03-10-2011 and 12-09-2010.
R 1000 290-2-5-.10(1) Assessment and Planning.
An institution shall complete a full written assessment of each child admitted for care and of each child's family
within thirty days of admission and develop an individual written service plan for each child based on the
assessments within thirty days of admission. If an assessment is not completed within thirty days, the reasons for
the delay shall be documented in the child's case record and such documentation shall include statements
indicating when the assessment is expected to be completed.
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on review of resident files and staff interview, the agency failed to develop a full written
assessment and an individual service plan within thirty days of admission in two of five files
reviewed (GA00098970 linked to GA00098391 and GA00098160).
Findings Include:
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Inspection Results

(1) Record review on July 8, 2011 of Resident #3 and #5's file (both admitted May 2011) revealed
the agency failed to develop a full written assessment and an individual service plan within 30
days of admission. There was no documentation that an assessment or individual service plan
was completed.
(2) During an interview on July 8, 2011 at about 5:00 PM with Staff D, Staff D acknowledged
findings indicating that she/he conducted a chart audit on July 7, 2011 and observed the missing
documentation. Staff D reviewed the agency's internal network to verify if the assessment and
service plans had been documented in the system. Staff D verified that the documents had not
been completed.
This rule was previously cited 05-03-2010, 12-15-2010 and 12-10-2009.
R 1010 290-2-5-.10(c) Assessment and Planning.
The child, and the parent(s) or guardian(s), or child placing agency representative shall be involved in the
development of the service and room, board and watchful oversight plans, and its periodic updates as described
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on review of resident files and staff interview, the agency failed to ensure that the child,
parent, guardian, and/or placing agency was involved in the development of the service and
room, board, and watchful oversight (SRBWO) plan in one of four files reviewed (GA00098233).
Findings Include:
(1) Record review on July 8, 2011 of Resident #2's SRBWO plan dated 04-20-2011 revealed that
the service plan was not signed by Resident #2 or Resident #2's guardian to indicate that they
were involved in the development of the SRBWO. There was no documentation in Resident #2's
file of the agency's attempt to obtain the signature of Resident #2's guardian.
(2) During an interview on July 8, 2011 at about 5:00 PM with Staff D, Staff D acknowledged
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findings indicating that she/he conducted a chart audit on July 7, 2011 and observed the missing
documentation. Staff D reviewed the agency's internal network to verify if the assessment and
service plans had been documented in the system. Staff D verified that the documents had not
been completed.
This rule was previously cited 11-05-2010 and 12-10-2009 .
R 9999 Closing Comments.
This visit was concluded with an exit conference. Although three tags, Tag 801, 1000, and 1010
in this survey were scoped on an Adverse Action Level, an Adverse Action is not being issued
and a plan of correction is not being requested due to the closure of the facility. Although to date
we have not received the returned original license, the surveyor for this facility received an E-mail
from a staff member of the facility on July 19, 2011 indicating that the facility is closing on Friday
July 22, 2011 and that there would be no residents remaining on campus by the end of the day on
Friday, July 22, 2011. On July 25, 2011, the surveyor received a subsequent e-mail from the same
staff member of the facility verifying that there were no children on campus and indicating that
he/she would mail the closure letter on Tues (Aug 2) or Wed (Aug 3) with the licenses enclosed.
On August 1, 2011 a surveyor conducted an on site visit in order to verify the closure. The
surveyor was not able to enter the property as a security guard was located at a barrier
positioned at the entrance to the campus and he/she blocked access to the facility. However, the
US security guard verified that there were no students and staff on campus. A final attempt was
made by the surveyor to contact the facility staff person to obtain the license on Monday August
8, 2011. However, a voice mail could not be left due to the voice mail being full.
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Georgia Department of Human Resources,
Office of Regulatory Services

Statement of Deficiencies
and Plan of Correction

On the same complaint Intake report GA00097688 06/14/2011:
Financial Stability of Institution: Note: excerpt with grammatical errors intact.
“Interview conducted on 6/14/2011 at 5:20PM., with Staff B revealed that he/she does primarily work with the agency’s budget and stated that the agency is in efforts of gaining a better understanding of their finical situation.  Staff A said that the agency does not have a board and that the agency is governed by its owner.  Staff B stated that the institution faces basic restraints that all social service agency’s face from time to time however all students in care are provided with amenities that they are to receive in accordance with the program.”  And the classic: “Based on the above findings, regulatory violation (s) were/were not cited.”

For those that are not weary by now, here is another report that refutes Intake 97688 findings:
Conflicting Survey  Report cont'd:

The following ORCC survey report clearly conflicts with Intake 97688 to which the survey report was based on.  The survey report stipulates the following relating to the "Financial Stability of the Ridge Creek School facility.
"Based on review of documents , the facility failed to report an incident of federal, state or private
legal action by or against the institution which affects the residents.  (This tag is being cited ireference to intake GA00097688)

Findings include:
A review of the incorporation status revealed that Ridge Creek, Inc. has multiple liens on the
incorporation that date back as early as February of 2004 and as recent as September of 2010.
Since these liens on the property could have potentially resulted in the lien holder seizing the
property and the displacement of residents in care, it is considered an incident of federal, state
or private legal action by or against the institution which affects the residents.
This tag was previously cited on 4/13/2011, 3/10/2011, 12/9/2010 and 9/9/2010."
Georgia Department of Human Resources,State Form

Street Address, City, State Zip Code
Inspection Results

R 0000 Opening Comments.
The purpose of this visit was to conduct an investigation into GA00097688, 97607, 97489, 97336,
R 0840 290-2-5-.08(6) Staffing.
Staffing. The institution shall have sufficient numbers of qualified and trained staff as required by these rules to
provide for the needs, care, protection, and supervision of children. All staff and volunteers shall be supervised to
ensure that assigned duties are performed adequately and to protect the health, safety and well-being of the
children in care.
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on file review and resident/ staff interview the agency failed to have sufficient numbers of
qualified and trained staff as required by these rules to provide for the needs, care, protection,
and supervision of children. (This tag is being cited in reference to intake GA00097607)
Findings include:
An interview conducted on 6/16/2011 at 3: 20 PM., with Resident # 1 revealed that on 6/3/2011
he/she and approximately six other residents were escorted on an outing by Staff B to a
community clothing store where the residents were going to be "sorting clothing into separate
bins". Resident #1 reported that Staff B was the only staff member present with the group of
residents and that there were two separate areas in the store, which are identified as "the front
and the back" portions. Resident # 1 stated that he/she, and Resident # 2 were in the "back area
"and that the remainder of the residents were in the front area with Staff B. Resident # 1 stated
that Staff B remained in the "front area" without checking the "back area" and he/she and
Resident # 2 remained in the "back area" for approximately 45 minutes. Resident # 1 stated that
while in the back room he/she and Resident # 2 began "to flirt " with one another and the he/she
"put a pile of clothing on his/her lap" and allowed Resident # 2 to fondle his/her genital.
An interview conducted on 6/16/2011 at 2:50 PM., with Resident # 2 revealed that on 6/3/2011
he/she and Resident # 1 "were at a clothing store in the back room sorting clothing". Resident #
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2 stated that there were approximately 6 residents and Staff B present on the outing. Resident #
2 stated that while in the back clothing room he/she "slipped his/her hand into Resident # 1's
pant". Resident # 2 stated that he/she and Resident # 1 were involved in a relationship thus they
frequently communicated on the computer and was discussing what took place when a staff
member at the agency discovered the communication. Resident # 1 stated that this is how the
agency became aware of what had taken place between him/her and Resident # 2. Resident # 2
stated that while he/she and Resident # 2 were in the back room Staff B "never came to check on
them" however, stated that several residents were coming back and forth. Resident # 2 stated
that he/she estimates that he/she and Resident # 1 were in the back room alone for approximately
an hour.
A file review conducted on 6/16/2011 at 11:00 AM., of the agency's incident report, dated 6/4/2011
revealed that " On Saturday, June 4, 2011, at 9:40 p.m., Staff C observed Resident # 1
communicating with Resident # 2 on Microsoft Notes. The report states that Resident # 2 and
Resident # 1 were talking about sex and how they had performed sexual acts on an off campus
trip on June 3, 2011. The report stated that "upon further investigation about the sexual acts that
happened, it appears Resident # 2 touched Resident # 1's genital inside of his/her pant but over
his/her underwear. The report continued stating "this act happened while they and four other
students were folding clothes in the back room. The two students in question were working
beside each other. Resident # 1 had a lap full of clothes and it was hard for Staff B, to watch their
hands since they were folding clothing. Once the incident was known about on 6/4/2011, Staff D
spoke with both students and they admitted the incident happened. They said that they waited
for a moment when Staff B was dealing with the other students in the store to perform the act."
Interview conducted on 6/16/2011 at 5:35 PM., with Staff A revealed that it is his/her
understanding that the resident's were being manipulative and diverted Staff B's attention. Staff
A stated that the version of the incident that he/she heard indicated that Staff B was going back
and forth supervising the entire resident group. Staff A stated that he/she believes the staff to
client ration at the time of the incident was 1 to 6.
This rule was previously cited on 3/10/2011, 1/13/2011, 9/9/2010, and 7/21/2010.
R 0862 290-2-5-.08(7)(a-g) Reporting.
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This [detailed written summary] report shall be made regarding serious occurrences involving children in care,
including but not limited to:
(a) Accidents or injuries requiring medical treatment and/or hospitalization;
(b) Death;
(c) Suicide attempts;
(d) Closure of the living unit due to disaster or emergency situations such as fires or severe weather;
(e) Emergency safety interventions resulting in any injury; or
(f) Any incident which results in any federal, state or private legal action by or against the institution which affects
any child or the conduct of the institution. However, legal action involving the juvenile justice system is not
required to be reported.
(g) A detailed investigative report which includes steps taken by the facility to prevent further incidents of a similar
nature from occurring shall follow in five work days if not provided initially.
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on review of documents , the facility failed to report an incident of federal, state or private
legal action by or against the institution which affects the residents. (This tag is being cited in
reference to intake GA00097688)
Findings include:
A review of the incorporation status revealed that Ridge Creek, Inc. has multiple liens on the
incorporation that date back as early as February of 2004 and as recent as September of 2010.
Since these liens on the property could have potentially resulted in the lien holder seizing the
property and the displacement of residents in care, it is considered an incident of federal, state
or private legal action by or against the institution which affects the residents.
This tag was previously cited on 4/13/2011, 3/10/2011, 12/9/2010 and 9/9/2010.
R 1454 290-2-5-.14(2)(j) Emergency Safety Interventions.
All actions taken that involve utilizing an emergency safety intervention shall be recorded in the child's case record
showing the cause for the emergency safety intervention, the emergency safety intervention used, and, if needed,
approval by the director, the staff member in charge of casework services, and the physician who has
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responsibility for the diagnosis and treatment of the child's behavior.
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on record review and staff interview the agency failed to ensure that all actions taken that
involve utilizing an emergency safety intervention was documented in the child's case record in
two out of four case records reviewed. (This tag is being cited in reference to intake GA00097489)
Findings include:
A file review conducted on 6/16/2011 at 1:00 PM., of Resident# 3's, admit date 5/24/2011, indicated
that there was no documentation of the resident being involved in an emergency safety
intervention. Both Resident #3 and Staff A acknowledged that Resident # 3 has been involved in
numerous emergency safety interventions.
An interview conducted on 6/16/2011 at 4:30 PM., with Resident #3 revealed that he is currently
feeling depressed and that he does not have any drug problems or any prior legal issues.
Resident #3 stated that he/she personally "doesn't like the school" and believes "that the school
does not teach anything". Resident #3 stated that he/she has been involved in emergency safety
interventions on several instances. Resident #3 stated that he/she was "restrained on the
basketball court when he/she attempted to crawl under a fence" and stated that during the
course of the restraint he/she fell receiving "a gash on the arm". Resident #3 states that he/she
estimates being restrained five times since being placed at the agency and stated that he/she has
never received any significant injuries beyond the need of first aid. Resident #3 stated that the
majority of the emergency safety interventions he/she has been involved in are a result of him/her
engaging in physical altercations with other residents. Resident #3 stated that he/she believes
he/she often engages and physical altercations with other residents because "the other residents
are upset because he/she gets more attention from staff members".
A file review conducted on 6/16/2011 at 2:15 PM., of Resident # 4's, admit date, 5/18/2011,
indicated that he/she was involved in several emergency safety interventions since placement at
the agency however there was no documentation of the emergency safety interventions in the
resident's case record.
A review conducted on 6/16/2011 at 1:50 PM., of the agency's incident reports in regards to
Resident # 4's emergency safety interventions indicated that he/she was restrained by the
agency's staff members on 5/26/2011 and 5/27/2011.
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An interview conducted on 6/16/2011 at 4:30 PM., with Staff A revealed that the agency
acknowledges that there was no documentation in either of the residents ' case records that
documented all actions taken that involves utilizing an emergency safety intervention.
R 9999 Closing Comments.
This visit was concluded with an exit conference. A preliminary inspection report was submitted
to the agency on 7/18/2011. Although Tag 840 in this survey was scoped on an Adverse Action
Level, an Adverse Action is not being issued and a plan of correction is not being requested due
to the closure of the facility. Although to date we have not received the returned original license,
the surveyor for this facility received an E-mail from a staff member of the facility on July 19, 2011
indicating that the facility is closing on Friday July 22, 2011 and that there would be no residents
remaining on campus by the end of the day on Friday, July 22, 2011. On July 25, 2011, the
surveyor received a subsequent e-mail from the same staff member of the facility verifying that
there were no children on campus and indicating that he/she would mail the closure letter on
Tues (Aug 2) or Wed (Aug 3) with the licenses enclosed. On August 1, 2011 a surveyor
conducted an on site visit in order to verify the closure. The surveyor was not able to enter the
property as a security guard was located at a barrier positioned at the entrance to the campus
and he/she blocked access to the facility. However, the US security guard verified that there
were no students and staff on campus. A final attempt was made by the surveyor to contact the
facility staff person to obtain the license on Monday August 8, 2011. However, a voice mail could
not be left due to the voice mail being full.
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R 0000 Opening Comments.
The purpose of this survey on July 8, 2011 was to conduct the follow up inspection for survey ID
6ES811 dated 03-10-2011.
R 0801 290-2-5-.08(2) Administration and Organization.
Program Description and Implementation. In accordance with these rules and regulations, a licensed child caring
institution shall develop, implement and comply with written policies and procedures that describe the range of
services including room, board and watchful oversight and the manner in which such services will be provided by
the facility. Such policies and procedures shall describe how identified services will be provided, the specific
emergency safety intervention plan, including the emergency safety interventions, that will be used, and how such
services will be assessed and evaluated. A program description must show what services are provided directly by
the facility and how it will coordinate its services with those provided by any Medicaid rehabilitation option provider
or other available community or contract resources.
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on record review, staff interview, and review of relevant facility documents, the facility
failed to comply with written policies and procedures regarding the admission policy
Findings Include:
(1) Record review on September 16, 2011 of the agency's Admission Requirements Policy
#15-100.0 indicated that the agency accepts the following individuals for admission into the
Adolescents aged 12-18, or who are in grades 7-12, who would benefit from a
cognitive-behavioral therapy.
Adolescents diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) or who display ODD features.
Adolescents who need leadership training.
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The policy further indicated that the agency does not accept the following individuals for
admission into the program:
Adolescents diagnosed with Conduct Disorder or who would fit the profile of Conduct Disorder.
Adolescents who are actively suicidal.
Adolescents with Anti-Social Personality Disorder or who would fit the profile of Anti-Social
Personality Disorder.
Adolescents who have felony arrest records.
Adolescents who have a history of violence against people or animals.
(2) Record review on July 8, 2011 of Resident #4's file indicated Resident #4 has a history of
violence against people. Specifically, a review of Resident #4's intake summary dated 06-10-2011
indicated that Resident #4 was expelled from his/her previous military boarding school due to
displaying the following on going behaviors (fall 2008-threw apple from bus resulting in
suspension from bus system, fall 2009-defiance towards teacher resulting in three day
suspension, and late spring 2011-expelled for kicking out glass window and throwing glass).
Resident #4 also displays aggressive behaviors such as biting, kicking, scratching, and punching
his/her parents during emotional tantrums. It was also documented that Resident #4 exhibits
explosive oppositional and violent behaviors.
(3) During an interview on July 11, 2011 at about 3:30 PM with Staff C, Staff C indicated that the
agency rely on parents to provide information on the child in order to make an informed decision
whether or not they will accept a child for placement. Staff C further indicated that Resident #4
has only been at the placement for a month and most recently they have observed an escalation
in Resident #4's behaviors due to the the fact that Resident #4 has been without his/her
medication. Staff C also indicated that Resident #4 will be placed on a mood stabilizer with the
hopes that it would stabilize Resident #4's behaviors.
This rule was previously cited 04-13-2011, 04-07-2011, 03-10-2011, and 09-09-2010.
R 0833 290-2-5-.08(5)(d)4. Recordkeeping. Personnel Records.
[Written personnel records] records shall include the following: ...
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4. Documentation of at least two professional, educational, or personal references that attest to the person's
capabilities of performing the duties for which they are employed and to the person's suitability of working with or
around children; ...
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on a review of personnel files and staff interview, the agency failed to document at least
two professional, educational, or personal references that attest to the person's capabilities of
performing the duties for which they are employed and to the person's suitability of working with
or around children in five of eight personnel files reviewed.
Findings Include:
(1) Record review on July 8, 2011 of personnel files revealed the agency failed to obtain
documentation of references that attest the to the individual's capabilities to perform the duties
for the following employees:
Staff A hired 06-23-2011
Staff B hired 05-31-2011
Staff C hired 06-06-2011
Staff D hired 06-15-2011
Staff E hired 01-03-2011
(2) During an interview on July 8, 2011 at about 3:15 PM with Staff BB, Staff BB acknowledged
findings. Staff BB also indicated that a chart audit had been performed on all staff members and
during the audit the information was found missing in the staff member's record. Staff BB further
indicated that the missing documentation had been requested from staff members who lacking
required paperwork however as of this date (07-08-2011) the information had not been received.
This rule was previously cited 03-10-2011, 12-15-2010 and 09-09-2010.
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R 0835 290-2-5-.08(5)(d)6. Recordkeeping. Personnel Records.
[Written personnel records] records shall include the following: ...
6. Documentation from a licensed physician or other licensed healthcare professional of a health screening
examination within thirty (30) days of hiring sufficient in scope to identify conditions that may place the children at
risk of infection, injury or improper care. ...
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on review of personnel files and staff interview, the agency failed to document a health
statement within 30 days of hiring in three of seven personnel files reviewed.
Findings Include:
(1) Record review on July 8, 2011 of personnel files revealed the agency failed to maintain
documentation of a health statement for the following employees:
Staff B hired 05-31-2011
Staff C hired 06-06-2011
Staff E hired 01-03-2011
(2) During an interview on July 8, 2011 at about 3:15 PM with Staff BB, Staff BB acknowledged
findings. Staff BB also indicated that a chart audit had been performed on all staff members and
during the audit the information was found missing in the staff member's record. Staff BB further
indicated that the missing documentation had been requested from staff members who lacking
required paperwork however as of this date (07-08-2011) the information had not been received.
This rule was previously cited 03-10-2011, 12-15-2010 and 09-09-2010.
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R 0838 290-2-5-.08(5)(d)9. Recordkeeping. Personnel Records.
[Written personnel records] records shall include the following: ...
9. Documentation of orientation and training, including dates of all such training, as required by Rule .08(6)(d) of
these rules; ...
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on review of personnel files and staff interview, the agency failed to document orientation
and training in four of seven personnel files reviewed.
Findings Include:
(1) Record review on July 8, 2011 of personnel files revealed that there was no documentation to
support that orientation and training had been provided to each staff members listed below:
Staff B hired 05-31-2011
Staff C hired 06-06-2011
Staff D hired 06-15-2011
Staff E hired 01-03-2011
(2) During an interview on July 8, 2011 at about 3:15 PM with Staff BB, Staff BB acknowledged
findings. Staff BB also indicated that a chart audit had been performed on all staff members and
during the audit the information was found missing in the staff member's record. Staff BB further
indicated that the missing documentation had been requested from staff members who lacking
required paperwork however as of this date (07-08-2011) the information had not been received.
This rule was previously cited 03-10-2011 and 09-09-2010.
R 0839 290-2-5-.08(5)(d)10. Recordkeeping. Personnel Records.
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[Written personnel records] records shall include the following: ...
10. Any documentation of the individual's performance, including all records of employee discipline arising from
the inappropriate use of behavior management techniques and emergency safety interventions and grievance
reports described in Rule .14 and Rule .15 related to children in care and the employee.
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on review of personnel files and staff interview, the agency failed to provide
documentation of a performance evaluation in one of seven personnel files reviewed.
Findings Include:
(1) Record review on July 8, 2011 of Staff F's file revealed the agency failed to maintain
documentation of an annual performance evaluation. Staff F has been employed with the agency
since 01-03-2008. The agency documented a performance evaluations dated 04-10-2009 and
(2) During an interview on July 8, 2011 at about 3:15 PM with Staff BB, Staff BB acknowledged
findings. Staff BB also indicated that a chart audit had been performed on all staff members and
during the audit the information was found missing in the staff member's record. Staff BB further
indicated that the missing documentation had been requested from staff members who lacking
required paperwork however as of this date (07-08-2011) the information had not been received.
This rule was previously cited 03-10-2011 and 12-15-2010.
R 0907 290-2-5-.09(2)(b) Referral and Admission.
Prior to admission, the facility shall:
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1. Provide information to the custodian about the services, environment, age ranges and behavioral
characteristics of the other children in placement.
2. Maintain signed documentation from the custodian that they have received and considered the information
provided in Rule .09(1)(a)1 above and have determined that the placement environment is appropriate and does
not represent an undue risk to the health and safety of the child or children being placed.
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on record review and staff interview, the agency failed to provide information to the
custodian about the behavioral characteristics of the other children in placement in six of six
files reviewed (GA00098970 linked to GA00098391, GA00098233, GA00098412, and GA00098160).
(1) Record review on July 11, 2011 of Residents #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, and #6's file revealed the
agency failed to provide the custodian/placing agency documentation regarding the services that
will be received and the current behavioral characteristics of the children in placement.
(2) During an interview on July 11, 2011 at about 5:30 PM with Staff A, Staff A acknowledged
This rule was previously cited 03-10-2011 and 12-09-2010.
R 1408 290-2-5-.14(1)(c)6. Behavior Management.
The following forms of behavior management shall not be used: ...
6. Verbal abuse, ridicule, or humiliation; ...
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on resident and staff interviews, the agency failed to refrain from verbal abuse as a form of
behavior management
Findings Include:
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(1) During an interview on July 11, 2011 between 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM with Residents 101, 102,
and 103, it was revealed that on several occasion, they have witnessed Staff G being emotionally
and/or verbally abusive towards residents by name calling. Specially, the residents indicated that
Staff G would call students stupid, worthless, or idiots.
(2) During an interview on July 11, 2011 at about 3:30 PM with Staff AA, Staff AA, indicated that
she/he was informed by some residents that they did not like the way Staff G would talk about
them and call them names such as stupid and idiot. Staff AA described Staff G as "rough around
the edges." Staff AA indicated that she/he informed the Education Director regarding the
residents concerns however Staff AA indicated that she/he did not follow up to verify what
actions were taken. Staff G is no longer an employee with the agency due to obtaining other
This rule was previously cited 03-10-2011.
R 1900 290-2-5-.19(1) Enforcement and Penalties.
Plans of Correction. If the Department determines that either a child-caring institution or a facility applying to
become licensed as a child-caring institution does not comply with the rules, the Department shall provide written
notice specifying the rule(s) violated and setting a time for the institution not to exceed ten (10) working days
within which to file an acceptable written plan of correction where the Department has determined that an
opportunity to correct is permissible. If such plan of correction is determined not acceptable to the Department
because it does not adequately correct the identified violation, the Department will advise the child-caring
institution or facility applying to become licensed that the plan of correction is not acceptable. The Department
may permit the institution to submit a revised plan of correction.
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on record review, the agency failed to provide a plan of correction for complaint
investigation conducted on March 10, 2011.
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Findings Include:
(1) A complaint investigation was conducted on March 10, 2011. The Final Statement of
Deficiency and a letter requesting a plan of correction sent certified mail to the agency on May 9,
2011 requesting a plan of correction to be due 10 days after the receipt of the letter to address
the rule violation. The agency was e-mailed on 06-17-2011, requesting a plan of correction to be
due 06-24-2011. As of July 5, 2011, surveyor has not received a plan of correction to ensure that
the stated rule violation has been corrected and what procedures were implemented to ensure
on-going compliance with the Department's rule.
(2) According to e-mail correspondence received by Staff A on June 27, 2011, Staff A indicated
that she/he had questions that Staff A could not address at this time due to Staff A's inability to
access personnel records and needed to consult with the co-director who has been out of the
office all week. Staff A indicated that the issues would be addressed on Monday July 4, 2011;
however as of July 8, 2011, the agency has not submitted a plan of correction for review.
R 1903 290-2-5-.19(1)(a) Enforcement and Penalties.
The institution shall comply with an accepted plan of correction.
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on record review and staff interview, the agency failed to comply with an acceptable plan
of correction.
Findings Include:
(1) A complaint investigation was conducted on March 10, 2011. The Final Statement of
Deficiency and a letter requesting a plan of correction sent certified mail to the agency on May 9,
2011 requesting a plan of correction to be due 10 days after the receipt of the letter to address
the rule violation. The agency was e-mailed on 06-17-2011, requesting a plan of correction to be
due 06-24-2011. As of July 5, 2011, surveyor has not received a plan of correction to ensure that
the stated rule violation has been corrected and what procedures were implemented to ensure
on-going compliance with the Department's rule.
(2) According to e-mail correspondence received by Staff A on June 27, 2011, Staff A indicated
that she/he had questions that Staff A could not address at this time due to Staff A's inability to
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access personnel records and needed to consult with the co-director who has been out of the
office all week. Staff A indicated that the issues would be addressed on Monday July 4, 2011;
however as of July 8, 2011, the agency has not submitted a plan of correction for review.
(3) Record review on March 1, 2011 of plan of correction submitted for survey ID F6XP11 dated
January 26, 2011 indicated that an internal audit of personnel files was conducted on 12/23/10.
In-service training days were held over Winter Break 12/23/10-01/02/10 and on 01/25/11 to get
deficient staff current with their missed Orientation Training topics. As of 01/25/11, all staff were
current in their required training. In addition, in regards to employee health screenings, all
employees were given until 01/15/2011 to complete the required health screenings to continue
with fitness for duty. All current employees have submitted their required health screenings as
of 01/25/11.
(4) Record review on July 8, 2011 of personnel files for Staff A, Staff B, Staff C, Staff D, and Staff
E revealed the agency failed to maintain references, documentation of a health statement,
orientation and training in the personnel files.
(5) During an interview on July 8, 2011 at about 5:00 PM with Staff BB, Staff BB acknowledged
findings. Staff BB also indicated that a chart audit had been performed on all staff members and
during the audit the information was found missing in the staff member's record. Staff BB further
indicated that the missing documentation had been requested however as of this date
(07-08-2011) the information had not been received.
R 9999 Closing Comments.
Although Tag 801 in this survey was scoped on an Adverse Action Level, an Adverse Action is
not being issued and a plan of correction is not being requested due to the closure of the facility.
Although to date we have not received the returned original license, the surveyor for this facility
received an E-mail from a staff member of the facility on July 19, 2011 indicating that the facility
is closing on Friday July 22, 2011 and that there would be no residents remaining on campus by
the end of the day on Friday, July 22, 2011. On July 25, 2011, the surveyor received a subsequent
e-mail from the same staff member of the facility verifying that there were no children on campus
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and indicating that he/she would mail the closure letter on Tues (Aug 2) or Wed (Aug 3) with the
licenses enclosed. On August 1, 2011 a surveyor conducted an on site visit in order to verify the
closure. The surveyor was not able to enter the property as a security guard was located at a
barrier positioned at the entrance to the campus and he/she blocked access to the facility.
However, the US security guard verified that there were no students and staff on campus. A final
attempt was made by the surveyor to contact the facility staff person to obtain the license on
Monday August 8, 2011. However, a voice mail could not be left due to the voice mail being full.
Page 11 of 11

After the Ridge Creek School facility,  formerly Hidden Lake Academy, Inc., and all its affiliate entities are closed, the ORCC under DHS, steps up to the plate and flunks them with (F)'s on the ORCC's useless Matrix scale.  The ORCC cannot even do that right.

Survey reports are generated from Complaints/Intakes/ Investigations and if one cannot even cross reference the Intake with the Survey report so that the findings reflect each other, it is beyond ludicrous.  How can anyone place "stock" in anything that comes out of this agency.  In this case, with so much exposure, one would think the Supervisors would be dotting their i's and crossing their t's.  The subjectivity that is allowed and afforded Supervisors giving them absolute control over the "INTAKES"

and what is transferred to the "Survey Reports" is egregious.  WHY?  It gives the appearance, especially in the Ridge Creek School facility case, of being doctored.

And that's my take.

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SS = Scope and Severity


This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:

Based on record review, staff interview, and review of relevant facility documents, the facility
failed to comply with written policies and procedures regarding the admission policy
Findings Include:
(1) Record review on September 16, 2011 of the agency's Admission Requirements Policy
#15-100.0 indicated that the agency accepts the following individuals for admission into the
Adolescents aged 12-18, or who are in grades 7-12, who would benefit from a
cognitive-behavioral therapy.
Adolescents diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) or who display ODD features.
Adolescents who need leadership training.
The policy further indicated that the agency does not accept the following individuals for
admission into the program:
Adolescents diagnosed with Conduct Disorder or who would fit the profile of Conduct Disorder.

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