Wednesday, October 5, 2011



Note:  The following was transcribed, names removed, grammatical errors left intact.

SUBJECT:  ORS Complaint/Incident Intake,GA00096525,  RIDGE CREEK, INC.

The following complaint/was received in our office on 05/11/2011:
INTAKE ID: GA 00096525
                               DAHLONEGA GA 30533

ALLEGATION: Unqualified Personnel: Staff Improperly Qualified
ALLEGATION: Educational Services: Other

Reporter stated: "Included in the last publicly available inspection report for the facility Ridge Creek, Inc. dated 03-07-2011 through 04-07-2011 states:
"Record review on 3/14/2011 at 12:25 pm of Resident #6's Individual Service Plan, dated 10/19/2010, revealed that he/she meets the eligibility criteria for special educational services in the area of emotional and behavioral disorder. According to this plan, Resident
#6 is eligible for educational services until next review on ~ 25/2011. The review also revealed revealed that his/her Individualized Education program was not addressed. Resident #6 was admitted over five months ago.
During interview with Staff A on 3/14/2011 at 4:66 pm, he/she acknowledged the findings. This rule was previously cited on 11/5/2010, 9/9/2010, and 7/21/2010."

“There are other children and youth attending Ridge Creek, Inc./Ridge Creek School that have 504's and IEP's, yet there have been no Special Educational Services available for those children. Rebecca Biechteler was providing Special Education, however she has "Visual Art" certification and a consultative Special Education certification. Rebecca is no longer .there. It has been months since her departure. Mr. Grimwood informed a parent through email that Samuel Tanner) sometimes math and science teacher) will each Special Education and that he is certified. According to GA SC, the State of Georgia Teacher Certification
Mr. Tanner has not been certified since 1998 for General I Special Education (Reading). Mr. Tanner's certification in core subject area has been expired for two years. Teacher qualifications and certifications are availabe on GAPSC.com.
Marketing of Ridge Creek School:

THE SURVEY REPORT BELOW, PURPORTEDLY ADDRESSES THE FINDINGS FROM THE COMPLAINT INTAKE 96525 ABOVE, WHERE THE ORCC had cited the RCS facility in earlier survey reports and numerous dates were given for rule violations regarding IEP’s(Individual Education Plan and ISP (Individual Service Plan).  Special Needs children and Special Education services were of issue, along with ICPC (Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children.  Yet, the answer provided to the above complaint in the following survey report conveniently left off any mention of what was inherent in the complaint, obfuscating the truth – again.
In a telephone conversation with the acting Director of the ORCC, Ms. LaMarva Ivory, I referred to complaint 96535, stating that this was a violation of the Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children (ICPC) laws.
Ms. Ivory stated that she was not sure if this was “within the ORCC’s scope.”  I directed Ms. Ivory to the ORCC regulations regarding Child Caring Institutions (CCI’s) with  respect to the ICPC, and asked “isn’t  the ICPC part of the DHS, with ORCC oversight?”   Does not the ORCC, DFCS reporters, agents, and investigators report to the “Compact Administrator” any ICPC rule violations by CCI’s.”  The answers to my questions were “well, yes.”  
Summation:  Well then, Ms. Ivory, it is more than within the ORCC’s “scope.”
Now, another former parent reports, although the interstate children were required the parents to fill out ICPC forms per State regulation, the Compact Commission stated to parent that Georgia does not comply with ICPC, they are “under the old ICPC???”  “Georgia complies with ICJ ( Interstate Compact for Juveniles.)”  Regarding the Ridge Creek School facility, how appropriate.
Oh, by the way, the MOLD ISSUE in the dorms and elsewhere, has been brought up since 2005 - no one in the State cared.  Now it is within the ORCC's (formerly the ORS) "scope?"   The children and youths, including counselors slept and worked in it for years.  It was not only the "claim of documents" that went up in smoke by a building that somehow torched itself - that buildings mold went with it.
Lesson for Georgia’s DHS, ORCC, DFCS, and DJJ Directors and Staff:  Not all people ask questions, without knowing the answer.
Commissioner Clyde Reese, your response is long overdue.  You took over, now it is time to cleanse the place – all of it!
And that's my take.

If one can find where “Special Needs” and “ICPC” are addressed in the below report,  please advise in the comment section.
Georgia Department of Human Resources,
Office of Regulatory Services State Form
Statement of Deficiencies
and Plan of Correction
Inspection begin date
Inspection end date:
Name of Provider or Supplier
Street Address, City, State Zip Code
Inspection Results

R 0000 Opening Comments.
The purpose of this visit was to conduct an investigation into GA00096525, 96530.
R 0831 290-2-5-.08(5)(d)2. Recordkeeping. Personnel Records.
[Written personnel records] records shall include the following: ...
2. A 10-year employment history or a complete employment history if the person has not worked 10 years; ...
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on record review and staff interview the agency failed to document a 10 year employment history in one of five personnel records reviewed.
Findings include:
A record review conducted on 5/25/2011 at 11:00 AM of Staff B's (hire date unknown) personnel record revealed that there was no documentation of a 10 year employment history. Staff B's personnel record did not contain any information in regards to his/her previous work history or experience.
An interview conducted on 5/25/2011 at 5:00 PM with Staff A revealed that the agency acknowledged that there was not a 10 year work history document in Staff B's personnel record.
This rule was previously cited on 9/9/2010.
R 0833 290-2-5-.08(5)(d)4. Recordkeeping. Personnel Records.
[Written personnel records] records shall include the following: ...
4. Documentation of at least two professional, educational, or personal references that attest to the person's
capabilities of performing the duties for which they are employed and to the person's suitability of working with or
around children; ...
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Inspection Results

This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on record review and staff interview the agency failed to document references in one of five personnel records reviewed.
Findings include:
A record review conducted on 5/25/2011 at 10:50 AM of Staff B's (hire date unknown) personnel record revealed that there was no documentation of any references that attest to his/her capabilities of performing the duties for which he/she is employed and to the his/her suitability of working with or around children.
An interview conducted on 5/25/011 at 5:07 PM with Staff A revealed that the agency acknowledged that there was no documentation of two references for Staff B.
This rule was previously cited on 3/10/11 and 9/9/2010.
R 0834 290-2-5-.08(5)(d)5. Recordkeeping. Personnel Records.
[Written personnel records] records shall include the following: ...
5. Satisfactory preliminary criminal history background check determination and a satisfactory fingerprint records
check determination as required by law for the director and foster parents, and a satisfactory determination on a
preliminary records check and fingerprint records check for employees as required by law; ...
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on record review and staff interview the agency failed to document a criminal history background check in two of five personnel records reviewed.
Findings include:
A record review conducted on 5/25/2011 at 12:30 PM of Staff D (hire date 5/2/2011), and Staff E's (hire date 5/16/2011) personnel records revealed that there was no documentation of a criminal
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Name of Provider or Supplier
Street Address, City, State Zip Code
Inspection Results

history background check documented in either of the staff members personnel records. An interview conducted on 5/25/2011 at 5:30 PM with Staff A revealed that the agency acknowledged that there was no documentation of a criminal history background check in either of the staff members personnel records.
This rule was previously cited on 4/7/2011 and 9/9/2010.
R 0835 290-2-5-.08(5)(d)6. Recordkeeping. Personnel Records.
[Written personnel records] records shall include the following: ...
6. Documentation from a licensed physician or other licensed healthcare professional of a health screening
examination within thirty (30) days of hiring sufficient in scope to identify conditions that may place the children at
risk of infection, injury or improper care. ...
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on record review and staff interview, the agency failed to document a health screening evaluation in one of five personnel records reviewed.
Findings include:
A record review conducted on 5/25/2011 at 11:10 AM of Staff B's personnel record (hire date unknown), revealed that there was no documentation of a health screening evaluation.
An interview conducted on 5/25/2011 at 5:10 PM with Staff A revealed that the agency acknowledged that there was no documentation of a health screening evaluation for Staff B.
This rule was previously cited on 3/10/2011 and 9/9/2010.
Cross reference tag 836.
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Inspection Results

R 0838 290-2-5-.08(5)(d)9. Recordkeeping. Personnel Records.
[Written personnel records] records shall include the following: ...
9. Documentation of orientation and training, including dates of all such training, as required by Rule .08(6)(d) of
these rules; ...
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on record review and staff interview, the agency failed to document orientation and training in three out of five personnel records reviewed.
Findings include:
A record review conducted on 5/25/2011 at 12:15 PM of Staff B's (hire date unknown), Staff E's (hire date 5/16/11), and Staff F's (hire date 12/6/2010) personnel records revealed that there was no documentation of orientation and training in any of the three files.
An interview conducted on 5/25/2011 at 5:20 PM with Staff A revealed that the agency acknowledged that there was no documentation of orientation and training in any of the staff members' personnel records.
This rule was previously cited on 3/10/2011 and 9/9/2010.
R 0840 290-2-5-.08(6) Staffing.
Staffing. The institution shall have sufficient numbers of qualified and trained staff as required by these rules to
provide for the needs, care, protection, and supervision of children. All staff and volunteers shall be supervised to
ensure that assigned duties are performed adequately and to protect the health, safety and well-being of the
children in care.
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
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Inspection Results

Based on file review and staff interview the agency failed to provide for the needs, care, protection, and supervision of children.
Findings include:
A file review conducted on 5/25/2011 at 4:11 PM of the agency's incident report, dated 6/5/2011,revealed that "the cameras in Dorm C at 1:15 AM observed Staff C sitting in the common room of Dorm C, not facing the hallway (which would allow view to the residents' bedrooms doors), watching television." The report stated that "during this time, two residents (Resident #2 and #3) left out of the lower South hallway and stairwell (exiting the building)." The report stated that "the camera depicted Staff C doing bed checks on the residents and he/she did not notice that the two residents were gone". The report stated that "the two residents returned to Dorm C around 3:20 AM through the same door and that Staff C was sitting in the common room watching television upon their return." The report indicated that Staff C was unaware of the residents elopement, being absent from the dormitory, and of their return. The agency was made aware of the incident when it was reported by a separate resident (Resident # 9) on the following day.
An interview conducted on 5/25/2011 at 4:30 PM with Resident #2 revealed that he/she and Resident #3 put a pencil in the girl's dorm door to prevent it from completely locking. Resident #2 stated that they were aware that Staff C "would be working on this evening and that he/she is known for going to sleep at night". Resident #2 stated that he/she and Resident #3 "snuck out of the dormitory" at approximately 1:00 AM and went to a separate dormitory on the agency's campus and knocked on the window to alert the residents housed there to allow them entry. Resident #2 stated that Resident # 4 allowed them entry into the dormitory, without the supervising staff member of that dormitory (Staff ? ) being aware. Upon entry, Resident #2 and #3 went into a room occupied by Residents # 4, # 5, # 6, and # 7. Resident #2 stated that while in the dormitory, Resident #2 and Resident #4 "snorted approximately 4 tablets of Vyvance", amedication Resident #2 stated was obtained by residents cheeking their medications and saving them for later. Resident #2 stated that afterwards, Resident #3 went into a separately occupied bedroom in the dormitory that was occupied by Residents # 8, # 9, # 10 and #11. It was in this separate bedroom where Resident #3 and Resident #8 reportedly engaged in intercourse while #9,10 and 11 were in there. Resident #2 stated that he/she and Resident #4 "just kissed and rolled around", maintaining that they did not engage in intercourse. Resident #2 reported that he/she and Resident #3 remained in the dormitory where they had eloped for approximately 2 hours and that the incident was brought to staff members attention on the next day when another resident (Resident # 9) told staff members what had occurred.
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Inspection Results

Interview conducted on 5/25/2011 at 4:47 PM with Resident #3 revealed that on 5/6/2011 he/she and Resident #2 "had medication that a separate resident was cheeking and was snorting it to get high". Resident #3 reported that at approximately 1:00 AM he/she and Resident #2 snuck out
of Dorm C (where they were housed) "while Staff C was asleep" and went to a separate dormitory on the agency's campus. Resident #3 stated that they knocked on the window and one of the residents (Resident #4) allowed them entry into the dorm. Resident #3 stated that several of the residents had tobacco and that as a group they "smoked and took pills" (he/she identified
Vyvance as the pills) . Resident #3 stated that he/she and Resident #8 engaged in intercourse and it was his/her understanding that Resident #2 and Resident #4 engaged in intercourse, in a separate room, as well. Resident #3 stated that he/she and Resident #2 remained in the dormitory
for approximately 2 to 3 hours and returned to Dorm C to discover Staff C "was asleep on the couch". Resident #3 stated that when they departed from their dormitory the supervising staff member did not see them enter or exit.
An interview conducted on 5/25/2011 at 5:45 PM with Staff A revealed that the agency recognized that the supervising staff members of both dormitories failed to provide appropriate supervision during the above described incident. Staff A stated that as a result, both Staff C and Staff B were terminated. Staff A stated that a letter describing the above incident was submitted to the parents
of all residents who were in the program at the time of the incident and that the agency is in the course of implementing additional supervision methods.
This rule was previously cited on 3/10/2011, 1/13/2011, 9/9/2010, and 7/21/2010.
R 0851 290-2-5-.08(6)(d) Staffing.
Staff Training. Prior to working with children, all staff, including the director, who work with children and are hired
after the effective date of these rules shall be oriented in accordance with these rules and shall thereafter
periodically receive additional training in accordance with these rules.
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
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Street Address, City, State Zip Code
Inspection Results
As of: Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Based on record review and staff interview, the agency failed to document orientation and
training of staff members prior to working with residents in three out of five personnel records
Findings include:
A record review conducted on 5/25/2011 at 12:40 PM of Staff B's (hire date unknown), Staff E's
(hire date 5/16/11), and Staff F's (hire date 12/6/2010) personnel records revealed that there was no documentation of orientation and training prior to being assigned duties to work with children in any of the staff members records .
An interview conducted on 5/25/2011 at 5:30 PM with Staff A revealed that the agency acknowledged that there was no documentation of orientation and training in any of the staff members' personnel records and that they nonetheless were assigned duties with children.
R 1102 290-2-5-.11(3) Discharge and Aftercare.
When a child is discharged, an institution shall compile a complete written discharge summary within thirty days of
the discharge. Such summary shall include:
(a) The name, address, telephone number and relationship of the person or entity to whom the child was
discharged, or the name of the placing agency if discharged to a placement agency;
(b) A summary of all the services provided for the child to meet assessed needs while the child was in the
(c) A summary of the child's and the family's goals and objectives and accomplishments during care;
(d) A summary of any problems encountered by the child and the family during care; and
(e) A summary of assessed needs which were not met during care, and a summary of the reasons why they were
not met.
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on file review and staff interview the agency failed to document the name, address, telephone number and relationship of the person or entity the child was discharged to in one of two discharge summaries reviewed.
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Inspection Results

Findings include:
A file review conducted on 7/15/2011 at 3:00 PM of Resident #17's discharge summary, dated 4/20/11, revealed that there was no indication of the name, address, telephone number and relationship of the person or entity the child was discharged to. interview conducted on 7/19/2011 at 2:45 PM with Staff A revealed that the agency acknowledged that Resident #17's discharge summary did not contain the name, address, telephone number and relationship of the person he/she was discharged to.
This tag was previously cited on 12/15/2010 and 12/10/2009.
R 1415 290-2-5-.14(1)(f) Behavior Management.
All forms of behavior management used by direct care staff shall also be documented in case records in order to
ensure that such records reflect behavior management problems.
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on file review and staff interview, the agency failed to ensure that all forms of behavior management used by direct care staff was documented in the resident's case records.
Findings include:
Interview conducted on 5/25/2011 at 2:45 PM with Resident #1 revealed that he/she has been involved in emergency safety interventions (restraints) on several occasions. Resident #1 indicated that the most recent was a couple of days ago (unsure of the exact date) when he/she was restrained by Staff G as a result of being argumentative with staff members and threatening
physical aggression. Resident #1 indicated that while placed in a hold by Staff G, he/she was in pain and yelled to the staff member "you're hurting me". Resident #1 stated that Staff G did not respond to his/her shouts of pain and as a result, Resident #1 "punched Staff G in the face".
Resident #1 stated that Staff G then "put him/her down" (restrained) and that while doing so, Resident #1 received bruising to his/her knee and forehead. Resident #1 showed the surveyor both of his/her injuries, which appeared to be in the healing stage and appeared to be similar to
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Inspection Results
As of: Tuesday, September 20, 2011
brush burns. Resident #1 indicated that another instance in which he/she was restrained included "a time when he/she and staff members were arguing and he/she picked up a fire extinguisher. Resident #1 stated that in this instance he/she received injuries (brush burns and a knot on his/her forehead). Resident #1 stated that a final instance during which he/she recalled being involved in an emergency safety intervention was as a result of him/her and another
resident engaging in a physical altercation. Resident #1 stated that the restraint was carried out by Staff A.
A file review conducted of 5/25/2011 at 3:00 PM of Resident #1's case record indicated that there was no documentation of any of the identified emergency safety interventions or any documentation to suggest any forms of behavior management were utilized by direct care staff.
An interview conducted on 5/25/2011 at 5:00 PM with Staff A revealed that the agency acknowledged that Resident #1's case record did not contain any documentation of the identified
events and that the resident had been restrained on several occasions.
R 1416 290-2-5-.14(2)(a) Emergency Safety Interventions.
Emergency Safety Interventions. Emergency safety interventions may be used only by staff trained in the proper
use of such interventions when a child exhibits a dangerous behavior reasonably expected to lead to immediate
physical harm to the child or others and less restrictive means of dealing with the injurious behavior have not
proven successful or may subject the child or others to greater risk of injury.
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on record review and staff interview, the agency failed to ensure that emergency safety interventions were only used by staff trained in the proper use of the intervention.
Findings include:
Interview conducted on 5/25/2011 at 2:45 PM with Resident #1 revealed that he/she had been involved in emergency safety interventions (restraints) on several occasions. Resident #1 indicated that the most recent was a couple of days ago (unsure of the exact date) when he/she was restrained by Staff G as a result of being argumentative with staff members and threatening
physical aggression. Resident #1 indicated that while placed in a hold by Staff G, he/she was in
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Inspection Result

pain and yelled to the staff member "you're hurting me". Ressident #1 stated that Staff G did not respond to his/her shouts of pain and as a result, Resident #1 "punched Staff G in the face". Resident #1 stated that Staff G then "put him/her down" (restrained) and that while doing so, Resident #1 received bruising to his/her knee and forehead. Resident #1 showed the surveyor both of his/her injuries, which appeared to be in the healing stage and appeared to be similar to
brush burns.
File review conducted on 5/25/2011 at 12:17 AM of Staff G's personnel file indicated that there was no documentation to attest that Staff G had received any emergency safety intervention training.
Interview conducted on 5/25/2011 at 5:10 PM with Staff A revealed that the agency acknowledged  that Staff E participated in a emergency safety intervention (restraint) with Resident #1. Staff A acknowledged that Staff E was not trained in emergency safety interventions.
This tag was previously cited on 9/9/2010.
R 1709 290-2-5-.17(3)(iii) Food Service.
Food shall be in sound condition, free from spoilage and contamination and shall be safe for human consumption.
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on a physical plant inspection and staff interview, the agency failed to ensure that all food was free from spoilage.
Findings include:
A physical plant inspection conducted on 5/25/2011 at 10:00 AM of the agency's food storage supply revealed that the refrigerator contained a large dish of salad that was wilted and a separate storage area contained approximately 20 bananas placed in a food service bin in the cafeteria that appeared to be spoiled.
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Inspection Results
As of: Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Interview conducted with Staff A on 5/25/2011 at 10:05 AM, revealed that the agency contracts
with an outside company to prepare and be responsible for food items in the kitchen. Staff A acknowledged that both the salad and the bananas were spoiled and stated that both items will be discarded.
R 1827 290-2-5-.18(7) Physical Plant and Safety.
Ceilings and Walls. All ceilings shall be at least seven (7) feet in height. Ceiling and walls shall be of good repair.
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on physical plant inspection and staff interview, the agency failed to ensure that all ceilings and walls were in good repair.
Findings include:
A physical plant inspection conducted on 5/25/2011 at 10:30 AM revealed that the bottom of the wall and baseboard in the girls dorm appeared to be water damaged and in disrepair. (it was unable to be determined if this area contained mold or if it was discoloration due to the water damage)
An interview conducted with Staff A on 5/25/2011 at 10:33 AM revealed that there was a leak in the girls bathroom where the damage was observed .
R 1829 290-2-5-.18(9) Physical Plant and Safety.
(9) The institution shall be kept clean and free of hazards to health and safety and of debris and pests.
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on physical plant inspection and staff interview the agency failed to ensure that the agency was free of hazards to health and safety.
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Name of Provider or Supplier
Street Address, City, State Zip Code
Inspection Results

Findings include:
A physical plant inspection of the boys dorm, conducted on 5/25/2011 at 10:45 AM , indicated that Bathroom #2 contained several areas of mold on the ceiling and walls. This inspection also indicated that there were several shower stalls in disrepair with missing showerheads etc.,
allowing a hole to be exposed on the shower wall surfaces.
An interview conducted with Staff A at 10:55 AM revealed that the agency recognized that Bathroom #2's walls and ceilings contained mold and various discolorations. Staff A stated that the bathroom is in the course of being repaired and that residents are not currently allowed to utilize the bathroom.
This tag was previously cited on 12/10/2009. .
R 9999 Closing Comments.
This visit was concluded with an exit conference. A preliminary inspection report was submitted to the agency on 5/29/2011. Although Tags 834 and 840 in this survey were scoped on an Adverse Action Level, an Adverse Action is not being issued and a plan of correction is not being requested due to the closure of the facility. Although to date we have not received the returned
original license, the surveyor for this facility received an E-mail from a staff member of the facility on July 19, 2011 indicating that the facility is closing on Friday July 22, 2011 and that there would be no residents remaining on campus by the end of the day on Friday, July 22, 2011. On July 25,
2011, the surveyor received a subsequent e-mail from the same staff member of the facility verifying that there were no children on campus and indicating that he/she would mail the closure letter on Tues (Aug 2) or Wed (Aug 3) with the licenses enclosed. On August 1, 2011 a surveyor conducted an on site visit in order to verify the closure. The surveyor was not able to enter the property as a security guard was located at a barrier positioned at the entrance to the
campus and he/she blocked access to the facility. However, the US security guard verified that there were no students and staff on campus. A final attempt was made by the surveyor to contact the facility staff person to obtain the license on Monday August 8, 2011. However, a voice mail could not be left due to the voice mail being full.
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