Friday, November 29, 2013



Brian Vaifanua 
HURRICANE, UTAH - How does the likes of Brian Vaifanua become the basketball coach and athletic director of Hurricane High School? Apparently, he is not the "Lone Ranger." If reports ring true and Mr. Vaifanua was indeed fired, how long did the Board of Education and the Superintendent of Schools take to render such a decision? Were they not apprised of Mr. Vaifanua's background?  Questions need to be answered by whomever hired Mr. Vaifanua, their vetting process for hiring, and whether Mr. Vaifanua disclosed his past.

Mr. Jody Rich is the current Principal... "Mr. Rich... what is your professional take? Nepotism? Ineptitude? Negligence?"

Is this the Mr. Jody Rich that heralds from Diamond Ranch Academy?

By the end of August 2013, congratulations were extended to the new coach of Hurricane High School, Mr. Todd Langston. On November 5, 2013, the Deseret News reported twenty-two teams for the 2013-2014 basketball season will have new coaches.

What one will not find in the Deseret News, is an answer as to, "Why was Mr. Vaifanuua  fired? Or, was he allowed to resign?"  It is doubtful whether this would be reported on FOX 13 NEWS KSTU as family is employed at FOX. Not to mention having friends with the last name of Lichfield... Ring any bells?

A survivor of Paradise Cove reported on Reddit TroubledTeens that Mr. Rich confirmed Mr. Vaifanua had indeed been fired (via a telephone call to him on November 27, 2013-- near three months later).
He wrote, "I got a phone call today from Jody rich the principal of hurricane high school confirming that basketball coach Brian vaifanua the sick bastard that ran paradise cove a teen torture camp in Western Samoa that hog tied and beat at least a thousand of us "troubled teens" has official confirmied he has been fired thanks to the work of me and the other guys that were imprisoned there."
Another question:  With all these connections, how did the Board of Education pull this off?  In Southern Utah, no less.

It appears Mr. Vaifanua's 'connections' to the horrific Troubled Teen Industry are quite numerous, including extended family, friends, and colleagues (Duane Lee, brother-in-law and former Director of Paradise Cove).

Mr. Vaifanua, heralds as the former owner and director of the noted abusive Paradise Cove facility in Western Samoa (under the former WWASPS that was headquartered in St. George, Utah).  Paradise Cove was closed by the Samoan government for credible allegations of child abuse - no thanks to the US who just issued a warning to US parents. Question? Why were there no indictments of Mr. Vaifanua and the lot of them? The DOJ states it was Samoa and they had no jurisdiction.  However, these children were US citizens, abused under Mr. Vaifanua's (a US citizen of Samoan heritage) care, according to reports. Instead, Mr. Vaifanua was free to do a stint as the Director of Midwest Academy in Iowa.


It appears Mr. Vaifanua was not alone in seeking employment with children after the closing of a teen facility such as Paradise Cove... He has plenty of company, which borders on absurdity.

Dace Goulding, co-owner of the former abusive Darrington Academy, was also listed as an owner of Casa by the Sea in Mexico, which was shut down for child abuse allegations. In addition, Goulding was involved with High Impact in Mexico, which was shut down for child abuse allegations. Darrington Academy was shuttered amidst child abuse allegations. It appears Mr. Goulding gets around, as it is reported that he, too, worked at Paradise Cove (Mr.Vaifanua/Mr. Goulding connection). According to school records, Mr. Goulding is now in the employ of Desert Hills Middle School as a Social Studies teacher and coach.

Another character was Richard Darrington, co-owner of the former Darrington Academy in Georgia, along with Mr. Goulding. Mr. Darrington was arrested in 2009 for aggravated battery, invasion of privacy, and first degree cruelty to children.

Mr. Darrington (holding only a substitute teaching license in Nevada), sought employment at Whittell High School and was hired as the Dean of Students. Until, Whittell H.S. found existing battery charges and a "9 count indictment" against Mr. Darrington (and three colleagues) that was awaiting him in Georgia. Nevada revoked his substitute teaching license.

Update: October 2013 charges brought in the indictment of Mr. Darrington in Georgia were dropped... "nolle prosequi"... why?

In 2011, Mr. Darrington's three colleagues entered into a negotiated guilty plea relating to charges of first degree cruelty to children and invasion of privacy.

Obviously, being part of the "9 count indictment" was not enough to keep him in Georgia.

Why not start an association for alleged abusers?  There appear to be several possible applicants.

Perhaps, Mr. Viafanua will end up at Diamond Ranch Academy.

More important questions... Where are they now? Why are they not forbidden to be around children?

Why are they not in jail, along with the entire WWASPS predators and creators, like the Lichfield family?

It is simple: Money, power, politics, corruption, and a majority of those in the governing body in Washington that could care less about the quality of life and rights of our children--unless... it is their offspring.

Note:  Jilliestake reached out to the below entities for this article to no avail on November 27, 2013.  Jilliestake welcomes their comments.

The School Board of Washington County could not be reached for comment and/or confirmation. There was no answer.

Hurricane High School could not be reached for comment and/or confirmation. A recorded message:  "Due to the apparently high volume of calls..."


[1] http://wwaspsurvivors.com/wwasp-programs/paradise-cove/
[2] http://wwaspsurvivors.com/wwasp-programs/casa-by-the-sea/
[3] http://wwaspsurvivors.com/wwasp-programs/high-impact/
[4] http://wwaspsurvivors.com/wwasp-programs/darrington-academy/
[5] http://www.heal-online.org/wwasp120609.pdf
[6] http://www.cafety.org/solutions-and-successes/763-school-official-arrested-ga-darrington-academy

Reddit Troubled Teens:
Note: Quote left in tact with grammatical errors for authenticity.

Desert News:

Hurricane High School:
"Congratulations to Todd Langston the new head coach of the Hurricane Tiger boys basketball team."

WWASPS - World Wide Association of Specialty Schools:

Utah Washington County School District:

Hurricane High School, Hurricane, Utah:

Mr.  Jody Rich: Named Principal of Hurricane High School the summer of 2012:

Diamond Ranch Academy: Re  A Jody Rich Consultant/Counselor - update:


Mr. Dace Goulding:


Blog error edited... apologies. "Ms." Rich was corrected to "Mr." Rich.
Article updated.


  1. For your information Mr Brian Now works in another troubled teen program. It is called red river Academy. But no one knows about his past. I had a talk with him and when i asked if you were being sucessful as being a coach why did you come all the way from Utah to Louisiana. He didnt say nothing. I doubt anyone chaperones who work there knows about his past.
    I also ha ve played basketball with him and sometime he does get a little too rough. He would like push you or "hit you in the head with his hand" on purpose and he does get a little verbally sometimes.

    1. Anon et al:
      The above post has not been confirmed. There is no staff listing readily available on the internet for Red River Academy.

  2. I was what they called an "Upper level" at Red River Academy until this past mid-december. Right before I left Mr.Brain and his partner (I don't recall his name) took over ownership of the school. I even helped moved the old owner out and them in. While I was there he would take a few of the more trustworthy kids to play basketball at night. He does get a bit rough, and he does have a tendecy to be angred easily. I also heard rumors of his past from one of the Chaperones that recently quit

    1. Dear "Mike Andrews":
      The owners are listed as Brent Hall and Robert Huddleston. The Red River Academy non-profit LLC lists Jake Peart, Jared Stewart, and McKay Colton as Officers (Peart and Stewart from Utah and Colton formerly from Utah, but now Arizona). The latter entity is listed as "not in good standing," as there has been no filing. Huddleston's family member, Linda, is listed as the 'principal' in Octwell, LLC. affiliate entity out of where else? St. George, Utah. So, exactly who was the "old owner" that apparently moved out? Where does it state that Brian Vaifanua is one of the current owners?
      Thank you.

    2. I can confirm this
      i was there shortly after he became owner

  3. The old owner was Mr, Brent , Brian Vaifanua , recently started running the place. He came to Red River Academy around Novemeber of 2013 with a colleague , I left the program about a month later.

    1. who is the current owner of red river academy

    2. Owners were listed as Lichfield and Huddleston...

  4. I recently just got pulled out of the facility because Sam Blue one of the shift supervisors does not know how to act around children and a lot of abuse in the facility Mr. Bryan Vaifanua is the head supervisor he and and Mr.ben the program director live on grounds Bryan is the head supervisor and lives with his family in the back the facility was named red river academy but the name was changed to US Youth Services in January 2016
