Friday, January 25, 2013


Josh Shipp, of Disney Productions owned Lifetime Television show called "Teen Trouble," is a self-proclaimed "Teen Behavior Specialist;" a motivational speaker guru for at-risk teens who claims to be "Harvard endorsed."

In addition, Josh Shipp markets he has "lectured" at Harvard, Stanford, M.I.T., Georgetown, and UCLA. "Lectured?" Really! 

Josh Shipp, his production company, and his agency representatives market Josh Shipp as an "expert"; a "teen behavior expert."  Frankly, the definition of a behavior specialist or behavioral specialist that counsels teens and youth, appears far removed from the Josh Shipp's of the world.

Josh Shipp states that he "studied" psychology at the University of Central Oklahoma.
As yet determined, he offers up no license as a behavior specialist. There is no mention of a degree in psychology or sociology.  The only mention of a degree is from High School ... yada yada.

Josh Shipp is qualified as an expert alright - a marketing expert.  For $1,497.00  one can take an online, 7 part, DVD training course provided by Josh Shipp's "Youth Speaking University."  "The complete step by step formula to become a paid speaker in the youth industry." 

Josh Shipp, Disney Productions, and Lifetime Television are playing a reckless, deadly game with the precious lives of our children and youths by sending them to facilities known to be abusive, negligent, or worse.  Many facilities are unlicensed and unregulated, where documented Federal and State evidence exists of abuse.  Even if the show is deemed smoke and mirrors, a fake reality show -  it sends a demented message.

Does Disney Productions, Lifetime Television, and Josh Shipp carry unprofessional insurance? Do the families sign a waiver absolving Disney Productions, Lifetime Television, and Josh Shipp of negligence? 


Today, the Office of Provost's Trademark Program at Harvard University was contacted. Their Director stated, "as a matter of policy, Harvard University does not endorse any third-party goods or services."

We sincerely hope that this applies to Josh Shipp.  Harvard University  has long been a supporter of children's rights.  To allow this self-proclaimed "expert" and "Teen Behavior Specialist" to use Harvard like this, is egregious.

More to come ...

Jillie Ryan
"For the Children Left Behind"

Harvard University Endorsement Guidelines:
Office of the Provost - Harvard :
To file a complaint on trademark infringement email:

Josh Shipp: "Harvard Endorsed"

Josh Shipp helps adults understand teens.
And teens understand themselves.

He's featured on the LIFETIME TV Series TEEN TROUBLE, author of "The Teen's Guide to World Domination" and was named to INC. Magazine's 30 under 30 list and a CNN Young Person Who Rocks.
Josh is a HARVARD UNIVERSITY endorsed motivational speaker




  1. I'm a professional speaker in the education/youth market. I know Josh Shipp very well. His "expert" status has bothered several of my colleagues and myself for years. He is NOT an expert, and it's been very distressing the amount of notoriety he has gained by self promotion/media positioning. What Josh is, is a wonderful 45 minute speaker. He's hysterically funny and has a good message. However, he is a professional speaker...that is all.
    Thank you so much for helping to create awareness for this, and for exposing some of his "credentials." I have been a speaker in this market for over 20 years. I want the integrity of this profession to remain high. When people abuse and take advantage of their 45 minutes of success, it hurts all of us.
    Again, thank you.

  2. I too used to be involved in the youth speaking scene. I was asked by Josh to be involved with him in his ventures, which at first seemed sincere and opportunistic. Several people closer to him brought to my attention gross exaggerations he was making about his background/success. I decided it wasn't worth risking my reputation even as he gained great attention with, to be fair, very good speeches. However, I question the veracity of much of what he states as his accomplishments, then and now, which is shame because he otherwise could have had a greater impact..
