Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Ridge Creek School Debacle Parallels Another - "Investigators in Atlanta cheating scandal discuss culture of corruption "- USATODAY.com

Investigators in Atlanta cheating scandal discuss culture of corruption - USATODAY.com

More parallels ..."failure of leadership at the highest levels;" Professional Standards Commission;" "GBI;" "a series of failed investigations;" "the testing is not about the children. It was about the adults."   GBI? What is it about "testing" in Georgia.

"But they concluded in their report that Hall knew or should have known cheating was taking place in her schools."   Pick a state agency, a private company, and unlimited former staff. The sky is the limit.

Saving the best for last which one could apply to several individuals, "Wilson and Bowers spent hours with Hall and her attorneys. They described the former superintendent as gracious, polite, patient and charming."   Gosh darn, I wonder who that could be, sans "gracious, polite, and patient."

Governor Deal has been contacted regarding the Ridge Creek School facility fiasco and the state agencies repeat reckless abandon, since ORCC Commissioner Clyde Reese appears to not have time for it, other than giving a RIF (official press release, right), with apparently no notice to ORCC Director Dave Stattton. Commissioner Reese did not return telephone calls, he had Director Statton oblige. If one wished to speak to then Director Statton, one would obviously have telephoned Director Statton.

According to a parent, an email was forwarded from the Secretary of State to Commissioner Reese.  At this time, there has been no acknowledgement from Commissioner Reese. How many months ago was that?

While everyone was "looking into it," another child was injured from a beating to the face in May. The only thing this child did wrong was sleep when the attacker bludgeoned his face. Of course it wasn't their child, so it did not matter. Is there a survey report?  Was this reported?

According to another parent and intake record in 2010, the parent filed complaints across the state, and nothing. Years back, according to a distraught Grandmother, she telephoned the LCSO to file a report and ask for an investigation of Hidden Lake Academy,  the now defunct Ridge Creek School facility; she never heard back from them, nor CPS. or DFCS. Why? The LCSO consists of mandatory reporters, there is a protocol to follow and it is called a 24 hour DFCS/ CPS Hotline according to DFCS.  Protocol was not followed. In addition,  after the food service was stopped Friday the 15th of July, another call to LCSO for a welfare check was placed on Saturday the 16th of July, and protocol was not followed according to DFCS.

While everyone was "looking into it," more parents were fleeced into paying up front tuition within the final two weeks and lost it all with the facility knowing good and well they were going under.  Another parent disclosed that Ridge Creek School was so desperate for funds, her child attended paying  $500.00 a month for five months to finish out the school year.  Apparently it hasn't done them one bit of good, because they cannot get the child's records since May. Another phone call to the facility last week and the parent wasn't even informed by a staff member that the facility had closed.

While everyone was "looking into it," including the ORCC and Advanc-Ed, a 12 month education program had no teachers to speak of as they were let go in May or resigned. Not to kick a dead horse, there was no Special education program or Special Ed teacher either for 7 months, along with no Director of Education, no Assistant Director of Education, no funds and according to the former Science teacher, Mr. Seabolt, very little if any supplies.

It would be a welcome change for Governor Deal to interject a refreshing "fabric" of moral constitution - something that is obviously missing from his DHS administrators, several of whom, would appear to not know how to be held accountable for anything. To paraphrase the authors of the above article, for them, it was never about the children, "it was about the adults," politics, and you know what, shame on all of you.

Seven letters: A-P-O-L-O-G -Y   It is long overdue.

And that's my take

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