Sunday, July 17, 2011


According to the the document before us, Ridge Creek School at 830 Hidden Lake Road in Dahlonega Georgia is closing.  Plans are to close Friday July 22, 2011 if the GAO, ORCC,  DFCS, CPS, GBI, FBI or the Sheriff's department do not shut them down Monday.  Ridge Creek School has not notified authoritative regulatory agencies like CPS, DFCS, and the ORCC that they intend to close. Nor has it informed the appropriate agencies that the food service ended Friday and  the service has removed all food.  Food is being brought in from the town.

Staff has not been paid.  According to a sources, there is no re-financing as per Mr. Buccellato's letter dated Thursday the 14th of July.  As you can deduce from the email (see below) Director of Counseling Anne Edens PhD, does not hold to Georgia's state law of mandatory reporting, or ,apparently her psychology oath.  A few parents have been informed, one child has been picked up at the time of this writing, due to a chain of parent calls.  Parents are reporting they cannot reach the school, nor can they reach the school through email.

There are 'allegations' of egregious violations, broken laws, and cover-ups by those complicit and complacent. Law enforcement will receive all documents regarding all parties that were complicit in this 10 year debacle, not excluding allegations of negligence against the ORCC, DFCS, and the DJJ. 

Commissioner Clyde Reese has never responded,  and the Governor's Chief of Staff does not return phone calls.  

Educational Consultants will be held accountable.  Names will be released to authorities of Educational consultants that placed inappropriate children without required documentation per ICPC, IEP's and 504's. and no follow-up. Failing to disclose to parents of Special Needs children that this facility admitted violent, adjudicated, probationary youths with felonious charges and conduct disorder is unethical, especially since the children were commingled. 

It appears all parents who have paid pre-paid tuition or deposits have lost it all - again.  DFCS and CPS need to pick up any children currently at the school as soon as possible, unless of course, "their hands are tied."

To the fourteen children whose names we have identified(there will be more), but will not publish, who have attempted to take their lives by hanging or cutting this past year and a half, to those children whose attempted suicides were not reported because staff state they did not know they were to report attempted suicides, and to those children that attempted to end their lives more than once, this 'time' is dedicated to you.  May God bless and keep you safe.

To the District Attorney, we request a full investigation into Sydney Vaughn and Lucrezia Albegiani, what they did was not justifiable, but understandable.  We want them sent home or somewhere to get help.  These young women should not have been sent to a facility that is not a licensed RTF or PRTF and whomever brokered the deal should be held accountable.

Anne Edens,  this morning instead of trying to figure out how to ward off DFCS and CPS,  may we suggest that you telephone the psychology board, along with Mr. Buccellato, and inform them you will no longer be practicing as a licensed psychologist before they strip both of your licenses.

"For the Children Left Behind"
    I am,  Jill Ryan
   And that's my take.

From: Anne Edens aedens@ridgecreek.org
Date: Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 1:49 PM
Subject: Just an update To: Management < >
So far, things have been quiet. The student body saw ----- off. Her father was supportive and understanding, doing what he needed to do. I have spoken with Chris about the school closing, and while disappointed, not surprised. He has received one email from ------ dad (last night) demanding he call. I told Chris to go ahead and call, letting the father know what our plan at this point is in when and how we will be dismissing the students on Friday and that Scott is working on a referral list for the parents.

I have not gotten any calls or emails other than from Judith Wishin. She has been told and is supportive of our plan. I do not know if Cheryl has gotten any emails a she does not have email at home and I have not called her due to her having family visiting this weekend. She has been informed of the school closing, however. Jamie is still locked out of her email and this may be creating some panic for parents. I have talked with Jamie about closing and she is going to do whatever is needed to help her caseload through the process. We need to get her email unlocked asap if anyone has the sys admin info and can do that.

The kids are being fed and having a fun weekend and seem to be somewhat clueless, although they are asking questions about the lunch ladies and such. I think we will be fielding more questions as the week unfolds.

We need to be prepared if DHR or DFACS or any other agency comes on Monday…I would not be surprised if ----- and/or Jill Ryan have agitated them. Worse case scenario is if they come and force us to close (send kids home) before Friday.

What time is management meeting Monday morning (if we are meeting)?

Anne W. Edens, Psy.D.
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Director of Counseling
Ridge Creek School
830 Hidden Lake Road
Dahlonega, GA 30533

706-864-4730 ex 2210


  1. Cheers!
    Yes, DHR/DFACS needs to get out there and get the kids asap. In my state, you can phone in a report 24/7. Is someone on that?
    First thing tomorrow morning, someone needs to report Edens to the licensing board. She's a mandatory reporter, and as such, she has acted unethically. She needs to go down with the ship.

    Hope they have geese
    And White Bread and cheese
    Where Buch is goin

  2. While we all hope this is true, we must ask ourselves what is to become of the children who are there now and the parents who have sunk countless sums of money into Ridge Creek School? These parents have no idea the financial devastation they are about to experience... now, not only must they find a new facility to place their children, but find they must also find a way to pay for their placement.

    The state agencies must be held accountable for this as well. What will happen to they money they've paid out to RCS??? In today's budget crisis there aren't surplus funds lying around to send these children off to another facility. Maybe they'll learn their lesson when they too are in court against this man and his greed.

    Let's see how Bucci spins this one... he'll probably say it was a couple disgruntled parents or ex-employees and they caused referrals to dry up. Blah, blah, blah. Pathetic. He's had years to make things right, but what has he done? Nothing. Well, okay he's opened a few new bank accounts.

    Anne Edens might want to prepare for to fight for her license while she's at it... when she takes a break from cutting kids down from trees.

    Parents: Looks like you have until Friday, if not sooner according to Anne, to get your kids into a new place. Hope you didn't have anything planned this week because your world is about to be turned upside down. Let us know how the Spin Masters try to blame this on everyone else except for those who really deserve the blame. Also curious what your kids had to eat this weekend. Maybe Bucci donned his apron and threw together a couple of PBJs... or maybe they brought back the famous baked potato bar. That was a real hit the last time the food service (allegedly) got cut off.

  3. The world has been blessed with another Erin Brockovich! Way to go Jillie, your triumph is an inspiration to so many parents. Keep it up! The sky is the limit!!

  4. It's hard to believe this has happened, after all these years. I may not believe it until I go there myself and see with my own eyes that it is empty. That's one trip I'll gladly make.

    If this has actually happened, then Jill Ryan has done what everyone said was impossible 6 years ago. Bucchi has cheated a lot of people, but my guess is the only one he regrets is Ms. Ryan. Hope you did something fun with the money you took from her, Bucch. Enough fun to cover the millions in lost income as Hidden Lake Academy/Ridge Creek School steadly declined in enrollment, and that beautiful property you've lost, along with your lovely home. I hear you're auctioning off your art collection, and tapping those numbered offshore accounts. Comfort is a wonderful thing, Bucch; but freedom is even more wonderful, more essential. It's freedom that you really miss when it's gone, and I think you're about to find that out, pal, in a way you never imagined. I'd be getting in touch with Quirk and Quirk. But oh! They dumped you when you stopped paying them, didn't they. I doubt they could help, anyway. Their speciality is civil law.

  5. So, Maverick, How's it feel to be on the front page of every newspaper in the English-speaking world, even though the other side denies the incident? Congratulations.~~

    So, you should have your pick of duties my dear. Is the phone ringng yet. Surely there's someone out there in need of a Watchdog with superior research skills and tenacity.

  6. If I were Anne Edens, and thank God I'm not, I'd be looking for a job that didn't require a psychology license. I think that one's gone, Baby, gone.

  7. There's hardly an employee of the program who couldn't be implicated. They all colluded with the unethical treatment of youth- abuse under the guise of therapy. Knowing full-well what they were doing.

    Jillie, you should consider a book!

    And, moving your Blog Archive further up the page. Took a while to find it.

  8. Distressed AmericanJuly 18, 2011 at 2:51 AM


    And now the cleanup begins! Let us hope that the pickup of the children and all connected with the closing of this ..um...facility goes as smoothly as possible. Once that is accomplished, the heads should roll... the heads of those that allowed this, of those who told parents to ship their kids to this hellhole, the heads of those at HLA and RCS complicit in the acts, and to top it off, the heads of those who created this sewer to profit from the pain, and agony, and helplessness, of the families involved. May it spark the opening of gates to similar facilities throughout the country, that this may never happen again. A dream perhaps, but a good one.

    Bravo, Jillie. It apparently never occurred to these people that your love for your children, and for others children as well, would lead you to latch on , and not let go 'til some justice was found for the inmates...er...children. Thanks for being so tenacious on behalf of others. We need more of that in our world!

  9. Bravo Jillie,
    You have dedicated so much time and effort to this cause. I can only hope the children still there can make it to safety.

  10. Thank you for your wonderful work, of helping closing this horrific place. I have info. I researched an inch thick on this place when my grandaughter was sent there by her guardians. I even e-mailed the police dept. in their county, to please investigate this place. I never heard back.The few conversations I was allowed with her, were over a speaker phone. I have letters she had snuck in the mail to me, crying for help. It was a very emotional 2 yrs.as her grandmother. One of the sad things, is they used my grandaughters, money to pay her tuition, which was for her, that she received when her parents were both killed by a drunk driver when she was 1 yr. old.I am so glad, they are being closed, but shake my head at what that school was about. Please write a book, I surely can contribute personal info I compiled those 2 yrs. Thank you soooo much.

  11. Dear Paula,
    I am so very sorry for you and your Granddaughter. I pray she is healthy. LCSO is a mandatory reporter. Please call the Georgia GAO at 800-537-2329 and tell them your story. We will continue our efforts to seek justice and education, so that this can never be allowed to happen again. You can email Jilliestake by copying and pasting to: Jilliestake@live.com.

  12. To the "anonymous" email generated today on 07-17-2012, if you wish to speak privately, please email jilliestake@live.com with your email/contact information that can be verified and you shall be contacted. We hope you are safe.

  13. its nice to know there are people out there that care about those children , i was court ordered there once for a false charge and some things that happened to me there will affect me my whole life but it makes me feel better to know not everyones all about the money and do ccare about there fellow human bean thank you maam for helping take down that hell hole. me and many others owe you a lot.

  14. i was a peer group 77 member of Hidden Lake Academy between 2004 and 2006. the place was a horror show. nobody cared about the students it was a freak show and all the staff were sadistic and up on high horses. and out to break youdown rather than pull you up. and also two of my very close friends killed themselves after attending the "school" your children are not in good hands there. get them out as soon as possible

  15. I was a worker and a basketball coach at Hidden Lake Academy from June of 2004 - March of 2005 and I actually met some good people at Hidden Lake Academy (staff and children). In my few months I was there I never witnessed any student being abused by staff or saw any suicide attempts. I did have a few kids in my peer groups that would cut or bully younger children. Some of the concepts they used in the peer groups was good stuff and some wasn't. The staff I worked with generally cared for the children (Denny, Daryl, Johnny, and several others). The owner and most of the leaders were out for just the money in my opinion. They tried to rule by fear and wanted staff to conduct themselves in such a way that want therapeutic at times. They used this technique call fall out to get information out of the students. Overall I enjoyed my time there especially coaching basketball and working with the peer group. I think that school can be used for a therapeutic or private school. Its a nice site but needs a different owner and direction.

  16. Hidden Lake Academy owner and leaders should be blamed for all the inappropriate things that went on at HLA. Ultimately, the parents and Ed Consultants that continued to send their children to the place should hold some blame as well. This was a big money business for the owner, leaders, and Ed consultants. There is no way that I would send my child to a place where I'm footing the bill of 5k per month and not have any direct say so in the education and counseling of my child. The employees that did not agree with the practices got the hell out of dodge. I'm glad that this place has closed but understand that our children today that needs counseling should have places they can attend that will not enhance their issues.

  17. I was there. To those who were wondering, once the food service was cut off, they just brought in fast food for every meal.

  18. If you want to write more on this....I suggest you ask a student who was part of the RCS program. For instance me!
