Wednesday, June 15, 2011


To paraphrase, Bill Maher again referred to Sarah Palin's acumen as that of a "Stewardess" on “Piers Morgan” last night.   "Stewardess" is an antiquated description of a "Flight Attendant," and more recently “Cabin Crew.”

Before and During World War II, the "Stewardesses" were required to hold R.N. degrees; the R.N. requirement waned during WORLD WAR II as the women enlisted in the armed forces.  Many that survived World War II continued flying.

In the 1970’s the term, “Stewardess” phased out into the more gender neutral “Flight Attendant.”  Much to Bill Maher’s sexist, self-serving, pontificating, bloviating, and degrading declarations, in the 1970’s forward, Flight Attendant’s were required to be educated.  Overseas flights required the Flight Attendant to possess two or more languages, and at all times place the safety of the pilots, passengers, canines and felines above their own which would include even cretins like Bill Maher … I know, I was a Flight Attendant.

I grew up in a neighborhood of former World War II pilots and former “Stewardesses” that were R.N.’s. 

Raised in an American-Armenian home, English and Armenian were spoken, along with French, Greek, Turkish, German, and Spanish.  All siblings achieved a BA or Master’s degree, along with continuing education and life experience.

Several of my Flight Attendant brethren brought diverse backgrounds, those that did not have a degree were working and going to college on their days off, or they were working on ‘other’ careers such as the career Bill Maher is blessed with.

Never in my most insane moments, would I ever think I was better than these wonderful human beings because I had a college degree.

Not to appear sexist, the first “Stewardess,”- “Flight Attendant” was a gentleman called Heinrich Kubis of Germany in 1912.  Females eventually replaced males, wonder why?  It was not just their skirts.  The tide swung back to keep up with the times and now both female and male "Flight Attendants" are part of the Cabin Crew.

Of the human beings that perished  on September 11th, 2001 five of the female Flight Attendants and  one male Flight Attendant  were cited as proactively having attempted to protect passengers from assault; providing vital information to air traffic controllers regarding the hijackings.  Those Flight Attendants were :Sandra W. Bradshaw and CeeCee Lyles of United Airlines Flight 93, Robert Fangman of United Airlines Flight 175, Renee May of American Airlines Flight 77 and Betty Ong and Madeline Amy Sweeney of American Airlines Flight 11) .

Therefore, Bill Maher, in an in-flight emergency, it is too bad that we do not stop at cretins; unfortunately you are at our table, so we cannot just let you bend over and kiss your ass good-bye.

And that’s my take.

Staff  Update: 'Just read up on Nancy Johnson - no wonder ...

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