Tuesday, May 31, 2011


High School Diploma, the Dean of Students?  High school diploma Assistant Director and Director (acting)?   ORCC gave this a Scope and Severity rating of a (D).. no adverse action, no fine, nada. 

Another attempted suicide violating ORCC regulations and Ridge Creek School's own admission policies.  Take a guess - a child's life and it garnished a (C) in the Scope and Severity rating from the ORCC.  No fine, no adverse action ... all during a time where there was/is no Director with any qualifications.

Scope and Severity rating, indeed  - ORCC  = "Z"

And that's my take!


Georgia Department of Human Resources,
Office of Regulatory Services State Form
Statement of Deficiencies
and Plan of Correction
Inspection begin date
Inspection end date:
Name of Provider or Supplier
Street Address, City, State Zip Code
Inspection Results

R 0000 Opening Comments.
The purpose of this visit on May 3, 2011 was to investigate 95777 linked to 95984 and 95789.
R 0524 290-2-5-.05(5) Criminal History Background Checks
Criminal History Background Checks for Director and Employees Required. Prior to serving as a director of a
licensed institution, a person shall submit a records check application and receive a satisfactory determination.
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on record review and staff interview, the agency failed to submit a records check
application and receive a satisfactory determination prior to staff serving as a director in two of
two personnel files reviewed (GA00095789).
Findings Include:
(1) Record review on May 3, 2011 of Staff A's file revealed that Staff A was employed 02/2011 in
the position as clinical director. Staff A received a local background check on 02-09-2011 which
indicated no record however there was no documentation on file that Staff A received a
satisfactory national background check. Staff A has been assisting in the management of the
facility since 02-09-2011.
(2) Record review on May 3, 2011 of Staff B's file revealed that Staff B was employed 03/2011 in
the position as dean of students however since 04-08-2011, Staff B has been serving in the role
as assistant director. Staff B received a local background check on 03-11-2011 which indicated
no record however there was no documentation on file that Staff B received a satisfactory
national background check.
(3) During an interview on May 3, 2011 at about 12:30 PM with Staff C, Staff C acknowledged that
a national background check had not been completed on Staff A and Staff B due to the fact that
the agency had be registered to conduct national background checks. Staff C indicated that the
agency received authorization on 05-03-2011 to submit national background checks for
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More Information Return to Facility Location and Information Guide Return to Inspection Screen
Georgia Department of Human Resources,
Office of Regulatory Services State Form
Statement of Deficiencies
and Plan of Correction
Inspection begin date
Inspection end date:
Name of Provider or Supplier
Street Address, City, State Zip Code
Inspection Results

(4) During an interview on May 11, 2011 at about 2:21 PM with Staff A, Staff A indicated that Staff
B is no longer serving in the role as director due to the fact that she/he did not meet the
educational qualifications. Staff A also indicated that another staff member, Staff E was promoted
to assist in the management of the organization along with him/herself. Staff A further indicated
that Staff E and his/herself completed a national background check last week.
R 0803 290-2-5-.08(3)(a) Director.
Any director employed on or after the effective date of these rules shall possess at least one of the following
1. A master ' s degree from an accredited college or university in the area of social sciences, social work,
childhood education, or business or public administration or a related field plus two years of experience in the field
of child care;
2. A bachelor ' s degree from an accredited college or university in the area of social sciences, social work,
childhood education, or business or public administration or a related field plus four years of experience in the field
of child care:
3. A licensed registered nurse, doctor or other health care professional where the child-caring institution chooses
to serve primarily children with special medical needs.
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on record review and staff interview, the agency failed to document proof of director's
required education in one of two personnel files reviewed (GA00095789).
Findings Include
(1) Record review on May 3, 2011 of Staff B's file revealed that the agency did not document that
the Director possesses the necessary qualifications to manage the institution. Staff B was hired
03-02-2011 as dean of students and promoted 04-08-2011 as assistant director of the program.
There was no documentation of a bachelor's degree in the area of social sciences, social work,
childhood education, or business or public administration. A record review of Staff B's Employee
Personal Information Sheet dated 02-20-2011 documented the highest level of education was a
high school diploma.
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Georgia Department of Human Resources,
Office of Regulatory Services State Form
Statement of Deficiencies
and Plan of Correction
Inspection begin date
Inspection end date:
Name of Provider or Supplier
Street Address, City, State Zip Code
Inspection Results

(2) During an interview on May 11, 2011 at about 2:21 PM with Staff A, Staff A indicated that Staff
B was no longer serving in the role as director as of today due to the fact that she/he did not
meet the educational qualifications. Staff A also indicated that another staff member, Staff E, was
promoted to assist in the management of the organization along with him/herself. Staff A further
indicated that Staff E and his/herself completed a national background check last week.
R 0861 290-2-5-.08(7) Reporting.
Reporting. Detailed written summary reports shall be made to the Department of Human Resources, Office of
Regulatory Services, Residential Child Care Unit via email or fax on the required incident intake information form
(IIIF) within 24 hours.
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on record review and staff interview, the agency failed to submit a detailed written
summary report to the Department of Human Services-Office of Residential Child Care
(DHS-ORCC) via e-mail or fax on the required incident intake information form (IIIF) within 24
hours in one of one incident reviewed (GA00095777).
Findings Include:
(1) Record review on May 3, 2011 of DHS-ORCC Intake Information form dated 04-21-2011
revealed that on April 16, 2011, Resident #1 was transported to the emergency room for a
psychiatric evaluation and medical treatment after Resident #1 displayed suicidal
ideation/attempt. This incident was not reported to the Department until 04-19-2011.
(2) Record review on May 3, 2011 of e-mail correspondence received on 04-27-2011 by Staff A,
Staff A indicated that she/he was not aware that the 24 hour time frame included weekends and
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More Information Return to Facility Location and Information Guide Return to Inspection Screen
Georgia Department of Human Resources,
Office of Regulatory Services State Form
Statement of Deficiencies
and Plan of Correction
Inspection begin date
Inspection end date:
Name of Provider or Supplier
Street Address, City, State Zip Code
Inspection Results

(3) During an interview on May 3, 2011 at about 11:00 AM with Staff A, Staff A acknowledged
This rule was previously cited 04-13-2011, 03-10-2011, 12-09-2010 and 09-09-2010.
R 1000 290-2-5-.10(1) Assessment and Planning.
An institution shall complete a full written assessment of each child admitted for care and of each child's family
within thirty days of admission and develop an individual written service plan for each child based on the
assessments within thirty days of admission. If an assessment is not completed within thirty days, the reasons for
the delay shall be documented in the child's case record and such documentation shall include statements
indicating when the assessment is expected to be completed.
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
Based on review of resident files and staff interview, the agency failed to develop a full written
assessment and an individual service plan within thirty days of admission in one of one file
reviewed (GA00095777 linked to GA00095984).
Findings Include:
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More Information Return to Facility Location and Information Guide Return to Inspection Screen
Georgia Department of Human Resources,
Office of Regulatory Services State Form
Statement of Deficiencies
and Plan of Correction
Inspection begin date
Inspection end date:
Name of Provider or Supplier
Street Address, City, State Zip Code
Inspection Results

(1) Record review on May 3, 2011 of Resident #1's file revealed that Resident #1 was admitted to
the facility December 2010; however the agency failed to develop a full written assessment and
an individual service plan within 30 days of admission. There was no documentation that an
assessment was completed. The agency developed an individual service plan for Resident #1 on
04-11-2011 which is four months after admission.
(2) During an interview on May 19, 2011 at about 3:35 PM with Staff A, Staff A indicated that
she/he reviewed Resident #1's file as well as therapy notes for Resident #1 in which she/he was
unable to locate any service plans for Resident #1. Staff A indicated that the service plan for
Resident #1 was developed as a result of the deficiency noted in Resident #1's file.
This rule was previously cited 12-15-2010 and 12-10-2009.
R 9999 Closing Comments.
A brief exit conference was conducted on May 3, 2011 with Staff A. There were several citations
related to the allegations. The investigation for GA00095777 linked to GA00095984 and
GA00095789 are currently pending. A preliminary report was e-mailed to the agency on May 9,
2011. Although a formal written plan of correction is not due to the surveyor until 10 days after
receipt of the final Statement of Deficiencies, all citations are expected to immediately be brought
into compliance with the Rules and Regulations.
The Final Statement of Deficiency was e-mailed to the agency on May 26, 2011. A plan of
correction is due to the surveyor June 9, 2011.
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Monday, May 30, 2011

Founder Of Electro-Shock Autism School Forced To Quit

This is beyond human decency, not to mention torture of Special Needs Children.

Please take a moment and contact the Governor of Massachusetts, Deval Patrick to stop this insanity.
Donations may be made at:


Hidden Lake 

Ridge Creek School "Ridge Creek Academy"
830 Hidden Lake Road, Dahlonega, GA | Lumpkin County , GA


Although the facility was listed on April 14, 2011 as "Ridge Creek Academy," by all appearances, addresses, maps, taxes, and liens, it clearly is Ridge Creek School, under the corporate veil of Ridge Creek, Inc. and/or Hidden Lake Academy, Inc.

Administration Building
Not an easy ad to contain ... even under Ridge Creek ‘Academy’ ... We sat on it, took it all in. A hoax? Doubtful at this juncture.

Currently posted on "Indeed," there appear to be  10 positions open. There is no Director. The facility has just been cited by the ORCC for "no Director." It has also been cited for lack of qualifications.  But not to worry, nothing will be done by the ORCC. It is not that egregious according to the ORCC's "Scope and Severity" chart.  RCS is hiring for Director of Counseling, although  Ms. Anne Edens, PhD. was just hired in February. According to "Indeed" ads, RCS is  hiring for Director of Academics, Assistant Director of Academics, Counselor, Night Security, Reflections coordinator(interventions), Headmaster, and the Special Education teacher that the ORCC and AdvancEd (SACS) will also do nothing about. It appears AdvancEd. (SACS) whom accredits RCS did their review February of 2011 and gave the facility accolades. If it was a thorough review there is no way they could have missed those teachers that were not currently certified; or, that the schools certified "Visual Arts" and "Consultative Special Ed" teacher left on 01-26-2011. Regulations state "Consultative" does not qualify a teacher to be the core Special Ed. teacher. If AdvancEd (SACS) goes back in, they'll look like fools or expose that there needs to be an overhaul of the "good ole boy" system from the top down. It appears the only people that seem to care that there is no Special Education teacher are the families of children that have 504's and IEP's (ORCC Documents). What the heck... According to parents,  there were no real Special Education services either. What is being reported is that the Special Needs services that the children did receive had to be fought for, if any at all. But, hey, we're talking about post Hidden Lake Academy, Ridge Creek School et al and the facility can basically do whatever they wish because there are no consequences from the state agencies. Why? Some of us may remember these quotes from the wonderful classic," Miracle on 34th Street":

  • Fred Gailey: Your Honor, every one of these letters is addressed to Santa Claus. The Post Office has delivered them. Therefore the Post Office Department, a branch of the Federal Government, recognizes this man Kris Kringle to be the one and only Santa Claus.
  • Judge Henry X. Harper: Uh, since the United States Government declares this man to be Santa Claus, this court will not dispute it. Case dismissed. 
 A little parody would go something like this:

  • ORCC Director Now what? Every one of these complaints were delivered to our agency.  We are a State agency. The Post office, a branch of the Federal government delivered them, recognizing our agency as the only caretaker.
  • DFCS Director:  Uh, since the Lumpkin County Sheriffs Department is an agency of the State government and the Lumpkin County Sheriff  "pointed out this was extremely political and this facility was well-connected in downtown(Atlanta)," we shall not dispute. Purge them, case closed.

Moving on ...

 So Ridge Creek "Academy "… nice ... is up for sale. If this isn’t just another “hoax”...
 Why hire?
    There is the need to keep the facility running and keep the in-take of students coming for cash flow.
    Hey, it just might turn around with the ‘help’ of the agencies - anything is possible  in "OZ."

• Is the current non-administrative staff aware of this?
• Are current families aware of this?
• Are prospective staff families aware of this?
   Certainly hope so. Perhaps three months’ deposit (not held in escrow), uniforms, computer,
   etc … is good enough reason. All non- refundable according to the current contract if one pulls
   their child. Maybe prepaid tuition with a promise. We had one of those.

• If the facility sells?
   Again, you would have been better off donating to St. Judes.

• Is the ORCC aware?
   That would be far too in-depth for the ORCC. Two years later the ORCC just might find a “category” to
   stick this in.

A little history:
On 08-2006 RCI was cited for 30 violations cited by the ORS (ORCC) 29 of “F” category
in severity and scope; 1 of “D” category. A myriad of violations were repeat. The class suit had
taken flight and an investigation of Hidden Lake Academy and Ridge Creek Wilderness by the
ORS was in progress - no thanks to the administrative staff. There was no fine and no adverse
action taken by the ORS. Why bother sending out your surveyors/ agents to do their job, if you
won't back them up?
Now the ORS is named the ORCC, nothing has changed, violations just keep mounting – it is just a different acronym with the old entourage not leading.

Ridge Creek School For Sale?  Ha!  What an unexpected gift for the ORCC Commissioner, Directors, and the DFCS agents that continually work their tail off for nothing ...

And that's my take.

ORS -      Office of Regulatory Services
ORCC -   Office of Residential Child Care
DFCS -    Division of Family and Children Services
SACS -     Southern Association of Colleges

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Georgia: "Foster care fraught with private abuses, public excuses"  | ajc.com

Foster care fraught with private abuses, public excuses | ajc.com

Welcome to Georgia's Child Care Regulatory Agencies

I would like to share this well-written article by Alan Judd from 2010. If one substitutes CCI (Child Caring Institution) for "Foster care" the frightening similarities are more than apparent and clearly show the need for change in the entire DHS and DFCS "good ole boy" family tree. Resignations at this point would be too kind; the old entourage at the top of the tree need to go, period. However, not before extending a formal apology to parents and children that have been subjected to their lack of professionalism, ineptitude, indifference, blatant containment, and skewing of the truth.

What is alarming is that Mr. Judd's article is a mirror image of what advocates and parents have been dealing with for over ten years regarding the DHS/ORCC/DFCS supervisors and their oversight of CCI Hidden Lake Academy now Ridge Creek, Inc. and their other former and current sister programs, including Ridge Creek Wilderness...
"Our hands are tied" just doesn't cut it. Again, if it was their child sleeping on wood planks, carrying boulders for hours, or involved in any other cited, egregious incidents, I highly doubt DHS/ ORCC response would be "our hands are tied."

I received an email from a former senior administrator of Ridge Creek, Inc. back in 2006. At first, I thought, "take it with a grain of salt." But now, I know better ... and, well, it is 2011 and still going on.

"DHR workers tried hard to hold Hidden Lake Accountable
supervisors backed down"

I am assuming "workers" relates to the DFCS and ORCC surveyors, case workers, and agents. "Supervisors," well read Alan Judd's article.
...and that's my take.

Huge doses of potent antipsychotics flow into state jails for troubled kids

Huge doses of potent antipsychotics flow into state jails for troubled kids

Again, follow the money. As these despicable, inhumane maggots admire their bank accounts today and years down the road, I hope they take notice we have no future, because they have destroyed our children, our future.

Friday, May 20, 2011


Has Ridge Creek School, along with its affiliate facilities, taken a toll on the brass at Georgia's Department of Human Services(DHS) and the Office of Residential Child Care(ORCC)? Or is this just a result of "budget cuts," and "furloughs."  Coincidence?

Director of the ORCC Mr. Dave Statton "exited" on Friday, along with Chief/General Counsel to Commissioner Clyde Reese,Ms. Brenda Woodard (reportedly from Dahlonega,Georgia). Ms. Woodard, to our knowledge, was not a participant in the conference, but Mr. Statton chaired.

Curiously, these exits occurred the day after a conference call between the DHS/ORCC, parents and advocates seeking help, answers and transparency for the safety of children at Ridge Creek School and its affiliated entities.

The at times congenial, contentious, and confrontational conference was filled with unsavory history and egregious current incidents at Ridge Creek,Inc./School and its affiliate entities(over the last two years)that painted a less than stellar picture. More importantly, that which we already new, in this case, the DHS/ORCC a regulatory agency for the State of Georgia, has not only failed the children in its care, the ORCC/DHS has failed in transparency not only to families in its constituency, but to out-of-state families seeking help for their children. There can be no more excuses and absolutely no justification for any of this.  If the DHS/ORCC is in the 'dark' then it is time to find a crack that leads the agency to light and truth.

Did the parent and advocate voices fall on deaf ears?  If the "exits" of Dave Statton and Brenda Woodard, the day after the conference, give any indication ... maybe not. However, indication of what? Surely these individuals didn't "exit" because of "budget cuts"; perhaps ethics, so long overdue, but why now? They were "lifers." Timing is curious. Cleaning house? If indeed the DHS/ORCC is cleaning house, there are a few more brass that come highly recommended to sweep out the door. If not, and this is all coincidental, it's time the DHS/ORCC should!

Moreover, this sums it up aptly:

RCS - A piece of historical fiction?..

RCS can advertise and market all they want for services the conglomerate cannot provide. This has gone on since the schools inception in the later part of the 1990's. It is actually a fascinating 'story,' one that was woven time and again. From the Director of Counseling Tom Sisk with the fabricated Phd. that wrote ISP's for troubled children in a unlicensed facility to Leslie Goldberg, the ever iconic educational consultant whom sent the youths to Tom Sisk at Hidden Lake Academy and Ridge Creek, Inc.(then the Wilderness program RCI). It's all in the ORCC/ORS/DHS documents, government documents, and emails. What can the parties(DHS/ORS/ORCC/DHS plead, they didn't know? It is your job!  History shows that over 10 years, the same violations are cited at affiliated entities on the same compound, yet there are no consequences. ORS/ORCC letters addressed to the school, time and again, threaten sanctions, adverse action, fines, and yet nothing.  One survey report cited 31 violations, with 13 repeat violations,  in an "F" category.  At the time of this writing, ORCC cannot find record to confirm any adverse action was taken by ORS/ORCC relating this report. Nor could this writer.

The early and later documents appear to tell an amazing "story," allegations and reports that are wrought with fraud, deceit,sex,violence, insanity, corruption,negligence on all parties, abuse, brilliant accounting, and the list could go on. Clarke Poole's released emails would take at least a few weeks to shoot - and that would be on the first take. It would need to be a mini-series as a two hour movie just wouldn't cut it - connecting the dots would take umpteen agents, with a least twelve tablet screens.

People respond, "I honestly have never seen anything like this." There is blatant disregard for the children and youths at every level. One would think  that the DHS/ORCC allegiance would be to the children and their protection. Think again. Every agency has stone-walled each and every inquiry either with purpose, because they are inept, or have no clue as to what has been transpiring. I am starting to wonder whether the GAO agents in Washington were right, stating that "the agencies in Georgia all dropped the ball." I don't think they ever had "the ball."

Phil Elberg's video regarding his dealings with KIDS hit it out of the park, but this one, if indeed true, is at the very least, a home-run in that park.

And that's my take - "For the children left behind."